Spot on we will be locking down every 4 months, its asif some think let's have another lockdown and see if it disappears..... Anyway only one more lockdown till xmas.
What lockdown is this then? Allow asos and big manufacturing buisneses to operate and congregate but ruin family buisneses who aint well off? Welcome to tory England guys
Ive changed my mind - full lockdown it is then This might be a stupid point but the next election is 4 years away by which time if we havent got a grip on covid we are indeed screwed what does Faridge hope to acheive by this trumpian approach now - other than his name in the papers for other reasons when the Brexit goes wrong
What won’t help the NHS is destroying the economy to pay for it and denying its future employees the education they need to work there.
I’ve said it before, the majority supported the 2nd Iraq war thanks in no small part to the MSM firing up the weapons of mass destruction lies.
Someone liked pocketing the donations he received for the Brexit Party and wants another go at the cake.
If any children miss out on education it is entirely down to government policies. Why do children need to leave school at 16/18? - If they are going to miss up to a years worth of school due to lockdowns, then why can't they stay on until they are 17/19 and leave a year later having caught up their studies if they fall behind? This could actually help teenage boys who are too easily distracted from schoolwork and generally do worse than girls at 16. Lockdown will only destroy the economy as a result of the government implementation of lockdown. No reason they can't support any business or individual if they are unable to work - they are choosing not to.
Can someone list please what a competant government would have done, what would the infection rates be now and how the economy would now be better than it is. List up to now Lock down earlier Track and trace system earlier and better. Extend furlough. Hand out more money. Stay in th EU. More mental health support. More PPE No explanations though how these could have been done better without hindsight or if they would have made any difference anyway. For me we all keep working, keep kids at school and college, shield the vulnerable ourselves look after our own, extra carers to help the vulnerable who are alone, expand the NHS until a vaccine is in place. Anyone out in public places not wearing a mask to be dealt with severely, keep pubs and restaurants etc open but less people in them. Keep things going. The virus will burn itself out naturally, a vaccine will be found, lives unfortunately will be lost. Could last for months and even if a tier 3 area sees a big drop in cases they are likely to be kept in that tier. It isn't fair at all.
And yet - with no recourse to magic, or even hindsight, almost every other country in the world has managed less deaths and a stronger economy.
I really don’t know where to start, it’s like arguing with a Brexit fan telling me we can just make up wto rules on the fly. We’ll just magic up the space and teacher to keep 100k kids back for a year? If we continue to subsidise jobs which are not sustainable in a lockdown then we will be paying for it for generations. If you’re such a big fan of lockdown accept the economic consequences are ruinous. You can’t live in a magic world where we can pay people to be economically inactive and still keep public services.
We had 40 odd thousand deaths by mid October thats pretty close to their 50000 worst case scenario and certainly not wildly inaccurate. But anyway whatever the figure was some people will still say we should open everything up until of course it's them or some one close to them that suffers. We are facing a month long lock down instead of a 2 week one because Boris stopped listening to the experts what they said would happen if he didn't lock down and people didn't follow the rules as happened, it's not the experts on the sage committees fault that Boris is an inept work shy chancer or that a minority of the population are too stupid, stubborn or selfish to follow their advice. I could well lose my job because of this lockdown but I'd much rather lose my job than my life
You forgot stop people wondering in and out of the country without any checks tests or quarantine at the start of all this and enforcement of the supposed quarantine periods for people traveling abroad since the first lockdown ended.
Nor will having tens of thousands of sick people off work, or in hospital for several months on end. I work at a uni School of Healthcare training nurses (Adult, Child, Mental and Midwives) plus over 100 Social Work students. When the cases of Covid were at their worst a minimum of two thirds of them had to be pulled from their placement. That totals thousands of hours of missed placement in hospitals already overloaded before Covid. On top of that we've students ringing in sick due to Covid, so that's up to two weeks of placement missed for those who either have contracted it or live with someone who has it. Student nurses in Leeds alone make up (quick count)... 700 extra pairs of NHS hands on wards etc. Yes they're learning but they're also essentially non-paid staff. All of these hours have to be made up, somewhere, before students can complete. Let Covid run riot now and the future of nursing suffers, the quality of teaching suffers and importantly the NHS suffers.
You can hardly blame people for thinking this way. Even during his broadcast at the weekend, the PM stated that he is hopeful there will be a vaccine in “the first quarter of next year”. He also spoke about improved treatments for those that have COVID. All of this pointing to there being less need for future lockdowns.
What on the telly though?? If it is endless X factor, Corrie, Eastenders or Strictly then more than half the population of the UK (including me) would have chose to end it all long before the 4 weeks was up. Those that don't would have addled brains and would probably be neither use nor ornament when 'released'. Come to think of it, if you want to downsize the World population even more just show endless Party political broadcasts/ or dictator propaganda videos in all countries on a loop with no off switch. It's the small details that makes all the difference