I have a fairly absolutist position, like I said. The state shouldn't force motherhood on women - they should be allowed to make an informed decision.
In my opinion, if they are going to ban abortion, unwanted children should be able to be surrendered to to the state immediately after birth and all medical costs covered by the state.
Some very weird views on this thread. Abortions are a last resort and they cost women a small fortune so hardly something they are likely to do frequently. No child should be brought into this world unwanted.
Abortion for convenience? What an abhorrent turn of phrase that is. Women should 100% have the option to terminate a pregnancy. I would say only up to a certain point, not up the birth date. I believe in this country the line in the sand is at 24 weeks unless there’s a serious foetal medical condition/defect. Everyone can have their own opinion, fine - but banning termination would be nothing more than forcing your ideology on everyone else. It would forcibly increase the birth rate, result in unwanted children being born, and so put further strain on an overrun care system and/or force someone to be a parent who doesn’t not want to be and may not be equipped to be. I can see no argument whatsoever for a blanket ban on abortion. It benefits absolutely nobody. If you don’t agree with abortion, don’t have one. And as for the argument about ‘you could have chosen to use contraception’. Wow. Small minded and blinkered.
There's most certainly a debate to be had about the term limit for abortions. But overturning Roe v Wade. Absolute religious right wing nutjobbery. But then the Republican party is now essentially that. An extremist fantasy land of a party. And while I think about it, didn't the nominees shamefully shoe horned in by McConnell all pretty much say that Roe v Wade was established law and pretty much untouchable. Lying ********.
Well given the number of abortions per year, are you suggesting that some people don’t have abortions because being pregnant and having a child is an inconvenience?
A quick aside..... have the Supreme Court just decided this on their own? Or has a civil case progressed to the highest court in the land to rule? Or has this come through one of/both of the houses to be ruled upon? I really hope it's not the former.
If by ‘inconvenience’ you mean likely to affect her mental health, or that she feels she isn’t equipped mentally, physically or financially to be a mother, or any of an innumerable amount of genuine reasons, no I’m not suggesting that. I am advocating having a choice not to proceed with a pregnancy that is not wanted. What I am suggesting though, is that your turn of phrase is horrendous; and in fact your tone and words in general on this whole thread come across as closed minded and judgemental. You very plainly don’t want women to have the right to choose.
Do you have a reasoning for this? What impact does it have on you or anybody else if a woman you don't know and have never met has an abortion?
what do you mean only one voice allowed. You are allowed - where you seem to have a problem is when others with a differing viewpoint question yours - no one is stopping you responding
What impact does it have on people who have an abortion? People fight for other people's right to have an abortion, but as soon as they've had it they generally don't care about the fight any longer. There is no after care, women just have to live with it. I know women who have had an abortion, who years later still haven't - and probably never will - properly processed the guilt they feel. They feel like they have murdered a baby. They then have another baby and feel worse, a double guilt because their new baby has replaced the old, and they mourn the loss of the first who didn't get to live. People don't really consider the mental repercussions for the would-be mothers.
Valid. (Though it is unfair to assume anyone who advocates pro-choice stops being interested in the continuing wellbeing of the woman). That is a different argument though. Of course there should also be adequate after care for people. It will be woefully short at the moment. All mental health provision is insufficient in general so it would not be any different in this situation. None of that means we should stop women having the right to choose though.
It's great that we have men in this thread and in positions of power who are able to tell women what is best for them, because how are women meant to assess and make important decision for themselves, with their brains being full up with thoughts of cooking and cute little kittens?
Look there are 200k abortions every year in the uk and I have suggestion that some people have them for convenience, apparently that comment is beyond the pale. So, You tell me people on here are ready for a reasonable two-way conversation on abortion. Too many people on here have no intention on engaging constructively and are itching to light the fires of righteous indignation at the mere suggestion that abortion is used as a convenience - despite others freely admitting it’s fine to be used as a type of contraception. Mind blowing really, but for that reason I’m oooout.