We can debate at what point in a pregnancy it's too late to have an abortion. We can debate how easy they should be to access. We can debate whether the mother should be able to unilaterally make the decision or if the father should have a say in it. What we shouldn't be debating at all is the absolute absurdity of a law that completely bans them and forces people to have babies that they cannot support. America really is a backwards country.
Very true. This thread, sadly, shows that there are some people that wish for our country to be just as backward. Hugh Laurie summed things up on a tweet recently. He said the future is bright, but unfortunately that’s not the direction we are heading.
Up to 10% of women on the pill having regular sex will become pregnant each year as a result of it failing. In that case, it can be weeks or even months before they find out they are pregnant. No contraceptive method is 100% effective - except for sterilization, and that is much, much easier for a man than a woman (and reversible).
Or just make the father pay the full cost of the pregnancy (some complicated births can leave the mothers will bills well in excess of $100,000)
Not only are some states wanting to make abortion illegal - I read that some of them are looking to make it a criminal offence (for the mother and doctors) even in the event of an ectopic pregnancy. So they would rather the mother died than have a routine medical procedure to save their life. Usually wrapped in a religious "pro life" excuse But at the same time, its perfectly ok for men to use a little blue pill to enable them to still get it up after a lifetime of too many beers and steaks. The only potential good news is that before Covid, the male fertility rate in the USA was dropping fast and was likely to hit a majority of infertile men this century (its already 10% and climbing). There are already suggestions that Covid reservoirs form in the testicles which *could* lead to increased infertility in children now when they become adults. Maybe the dystopia is "Y: The Last Man" rather than "The Handmaid's Tail"
Why so anti men? Absolutely bizarre. How the **** is it good news that children are growing up infertile? Sick and twisted in my opinion. Abortions should be legal. Absolutely no question about that. The solution is to make them legal, not to hope little boys get covid so they become infertile. Not sure if you mean it as completely anti male as it comes across or not but it's how your three posts in a row seem
Yes Ive read that as well with Doctors expressing concern that they will be faced with a choice of illegally aborting a non viable ectopic pregnancy or watching the mother die which means the death of the foetus anyway but staying within the law I think the argunement goes better to let a few women die rather than risk some using it as a way to get an abortion they dont deserve. I cant find any rational argument for killing women on the grounds of being "pro life" - and anyone who claims its "Gods Will" probably need to have a think about what sort of God they are following
Being illegal even in the case of ectopic pregnancy, a medical emergency, is more than backward. It is absolutely batshit crazy and anyone advocating that in the name of god or anyone/anything else needs to have a long hard look at themselves. Imagine not allowing treatment for an ectopic pregnancy, in the name of protecting a ‘child’ who could never have actually existed as a viable person, quite possibly leading to the fatality of the woman - who may already have other kids who would be left without a mother. Crazy.
You can’t even get sterilised as a young woman as the doctors are too concerned about what a man might think. Even if they get a husband’s permission they worry that you might meet a future, random, man and HE might then want kids.
The same number of unwanted pregnancies would be terminated, just in ways that carry a high chance of killing the mother too. People who desperately don’t want a baby are not just going to shrug their shoulders and keep it, they’re going to go to backstreet abortionists, they going to ‘fall’ down some stairs, they’re going to take overdoses, they’re going to do whatever they can to end their pregnancies. In the cases where they are unsuccessful, you’re going to get babies born with all sorts of problems. Banning abortions doesn’t stop them, it sends them underground.
Most of the problems in the world are down to men. It is not good news that boys are infertile, but maybe it gives more power to women after centuries of being treated as second class citizens - and still are in many countries.
Absolutely bonkers. We can have equality without having to ruin lives of kids and without demonising men
Aye Its not as if Margaret Thatcher, and Pritti Patel misued their power I think part of your post is just completely wrong men and women are just as capable of doing good or bad things - true the way our societies are structured men get more chance to occupy positions of power but I dont necessarily believe that if roles were reversed it would be much different.
The solution though is clearly to give kids covid and make boys infertile. That's a proper sensible point of view is that. Honestly if that was said in front of a doctor you'd get sectioned
Oh dear. I think the far simpler hope is that enough pressure is brought to apply the simple, fundamental principle of a woman's - in fact any individual's - absolute right to bodily autonomy. It would seem to me to be a good potential amendment to make to the US Constitution. "COVID reservoirs in the testicles" indeed. In a dry Summer you can see the spire of a disused church just poking out of my scrotum.
I think it might.I believe there would be more co operation, less need for war. Women feel they have to " act like men" when they do reach the top to a certain degree in a male dominated world.