Third world country that would be laughed at and treated like North Korea China or Russia if they didn't speak English
And yet the bible is silent on the matter Amazing what the 'bible bashers' choose to get upset about, anyone would think theres a chance they're twisting their 'religious' beliefs just to support them beng a C U nxt Tuesday
I want to make a comment to show I’m not ignoring the news but I’m too upset to comment so this will have to do.
There are times I am ashamed to be a member of the human race and todays and yesterdays judgments from the SCUS reinforce that view. Women in many republican states now are in a very difficult position. Especially as medical reasons don’t count in at least some of them so women will die either as a result of botched underground abortions or because a medical need is forced to be untreated It will particularly affect the poor The rich will be able to pay to go to democratic states if needed It’s been pointed out as well that 5 of the 6 judges were political appointments by presidents who actually lost the popular vote
Worse! Every one of them lied about this exact issue in order to get selected. EVERY ONE OF THEM lied! And we’re supposed to respect them as the good guys. US Conservatives have a lot in common with ours. They will lie in order to get the support of whoever they need before then making decisions that benefit only them and their mates.
The American fundie religious nut jobs will not be happy until they have turned America into a fundamentalist theocracy. Now they have got their way of banning abortions it will not be long before they are pushing for teaching creationism in schools, colleges etc and declaring evolution theory to be without factual basis. I think these people are dangerous and are only interested in power and having everyone believe as they do. America is heading down a slope of no return, but how many people will tacitly allow it to happen??
If you want a snapshot of radical Republican America, head over to Marjorie Taylor Greene’s Twitter feed. Absolute fkn maniac. For all the complaining we do about our politicians, they’re still not this unhinged. And she’s just one of many.
Power attracts money, money buys power. They’ll wake up soon to realise that a very tiny minority view should not get this much traction. Both on guns and abortion, the law does not match the majority view.
Embarrassing but not surprising this ruling for a ‘leading’ campaigner of the ‘free world’. Worth pointing out though having read some comments, Abortions will still be allowed to save the Mothers life in all States. Doesn’t change the principal of this thread at all though in that it is a massive backwards step on all levels. Just watched BBC News and they did a segment about how Billie Eilish headlined Glastonbury and made history as the youngest ever but failed to mention her on stage comments condemning it(although it is on website).
Also worth pointing out that the ruling doesn’t actually criminalise abortions, it just says states have the right to. Which does at least offer some hope. California for example, has come out straight away and said they will continue to offer full support for abortion clinics. Some of the stories already are horrific. Clinics being immediately boarded up. No notice. Appointments being cancelled. Patients being abused. Some states must now feel like living under Taliban rule.