Sadly I predict a Conservative win,with a majority of 20-30. I think this is due to our outdated "First past the post" system. The Conservative government and the Media have exploited this system,by making it a Presidential style election,based on personality not policy. I'm sick of hearing people saying they are voting for May or Corbyn and not being challenged by journalists. We have constituencies and elect representatives for our area. I think Jeremy Corbyn has performed brilliantly and explained Labours' policies clearly. He has demonstrated that there is a desire and demand for their policies,as has been seen in other European countries. Hopefully this is the start of a revival of politics which represents the majority of the country. I believe that there will be Labour MPs who disagreed with him,but will be reelected precisely because of him. Hopefully they will recognise this and acknowledge their thanks. As for May, she will gone soon unless the majority is 25 plus,she's been as incompetent as Conservative leader,as IDS.
I think the Conservatives will win by 40/50 seats. The Greens will be wiped out. And hopefully Clegg, Dim Tim and Sturgeon will be history.
Conservative majority of around 50, but it is very hard to gauge and I am nervous still. May will then take us into Brexit talks and see them through - whether she lasts any longer than that depends on how they go, but she is unlikely to stand as PM next time. Unless it is a very small majority that is difficult to work with, I don't see any reason why we won't go the full5 years before the next one. Corbyn will survive this time, despite some mutterings from the moderates about it. How much Labour carry on as normal and how much they explode about it depends on the conservative majority - I know he is God to many on here but the fact will be, assuming my worst fears are not realised and he actually wins, that he will have presided over the tories increasing their majority in an election in which the tory campaign has been nothing short of abject, and I say that as a tory voter. On that basis, I don't see how it can get any better than this for Labour's chances. Lib Dems will pick up a handful of woolly seats but will still return less than a dozen overall. Hard for them to lose any, they haven't got many to lose. Farron will survive because there is no-one else to take his place. Long haul back for them. Conservatives will pick up a small handful of seats in Scotland. Labour won't. Sturgeon will see it is still being a victory, which will be hard to argue against - they had so many seats last time that they can only go backward, but a majority of seats for them is still a good result. Can see Labour's support holding up in Wales to be honest - if it doesn't then it will be a disastrous night for them.
A Tory win. I hope it is a hollow one myself. From a personal point of view, it won't affect me greatly, but we will have missed a chance for people to actually see a change in this country. S.A.D. I'm a Barnsley fan. I'm used to feeling like this. Don't blame me in 5 years time.
I'll say that it will be a Tory win with a majority of 48 seats. Tim Farron will resign a day or 2 after the election, Corbyn will still be Labour leader. UKIP will do poorly, prompting a Farage return.
Some " guesstimates" as to what could have happened by tomorrow. 1. May wins by an 80+ majority. When she called the election that was her goal and expectation. She was conceited enough to think she could eclipse Thatchers record. She was hoping that with such a large majority she could neutralise the right of the party who have aspirations for a hard Brexit. Her performance and the current national perception of her and the party points to her original aspirations not being realised. 2. May wins with a majority of between 50-80 seats. In line with the bulk of current predictions. Not the big majority she wanted but would surpass the performance of some past Tory leaders. She would probably feel vindicated in spending the £115 million to call the election after saying she wouldn't and could appease the main critics within her own party. 3. May wins with a 20 seat majority. About on a par to when the election started. The grandees and MP's would not be happy and questions would be asked as to how long she could hold on to the job. Spending cuts, changes to the NHS/ public sector and Brexit will all add pressure and could well prompt a rebellion within the rank and file. 4. No overall majority. If the Tories are the biggest party they could look towards forming a coalition and be invited to form the Government. Unlikely that May could survive in the longer term and a new leader would have to be appointed. If they fail to get their Budget through, Labour could be tasked with forming a new Government. Despite his previous opposition to forming a coalition with the Liberal Democrats or the SNP to enable him to stand any chance of governing Corbyn would have to entertain such a concept. As some on this board have said an election in October 2017 would probably then be inevitable. 5. Corbyn and Labour get a majority. Unlikely but if it did happen he would be able to make a start on rolling out the main parts of the Labour manifesto. The EU have already indicated they would be prepared to delay the Brexit process to allow any new U.K. Government to get its act together. As far as May is concerned she would be history and like some of her predecessors her political career would be in tatters. A very messy leadership contest akin to what we witnessed when May was chosen by the party would then ensue. Interesting times. The Exit poll will give an indication as to which way it's likely to go. Mid morning tomorrow we will have a clear idea as to what the future political landscape will look like.
**** me. Looks like number 4. We might be voting again before the end of the year. If this is true, May will be lucky to survive.
Exit Poll showing Tories losing seats. Labour and SNP coalition a possibility. Expect sterling to tank, if you're going on holiday buy Euros now if you can.
**** me, if that exit poll's right we're going to have to do it all again in the not too distant. Looks like June has brought the end of May as usual.
*IF* that is the final result, expect the Tories to implode over the next few weeks. Already seeing rumours about the infighting that has been hidden behind the scenes...
Don't forget the 2015 exit poll predicted the Torrids to fail to get an overall majority but they scraped 14 more seats than was predicted. The same could well happen again
Already lost 2% in 20 minutes. T'owd Ghautier's gonna be on't blower to Paddy soon to renegotiate his salary!