Stood there with his hands in his pockets having seen us concede. Lost, won or drawn the dressing room it's immaterial, it's hard to make out a case for Schopp remaining as Head Coach.
People on the BBS can be pretty clueless or over emotional sometimes but that's okay. I remember people on here saying England were awful after beating Croatia and that they're going nowhere. After the Scotland 0-0 game I thought oh okay maybe they're right.. But then they were proven wrong, HEAVILY wrong when they got all the way to the final.. But anyways regarding this whole situation I think we've just been kicked the nuts with Val and Mowatt leaving. I still feel it, I find it so hard to get motivated to enjoy this season I still can't really and even if we were doing a lot better I think I'd still feel the same.
He may not have lost the dressing room but it is another loss on the field. Dressing room or not this is not career enhancing for Markus.
Turn left out of the dugout. Follow the side of the pitch. Go down that tunnel thing. It's somewhere in there.
Did he ever have the dressing room? I’m not sure what formation / game plan we have and the players look like they think the same. Also i wonder what players think of being in the team, out of the squad or on the bench while others who don’t play that position step in. So while last season players were vocal about knowing their role and the game plan, there has been an absence of commonality in what we say and believe in.
I think Callum Brittains post match interview answers everything. Players not showing up for the ball and got no confidence, dressing room a horrible place and feels like the team is playing off the cuff, lad sounded like he was nearly in tears.
Someone who looks and acts like he cares, saying it as it is. I’d rather we put Brittain in charge then keep Schopp.
He's destroying all of them, the confidence has well and truly gone from this team. So much for being patient and taking it as fact that we'll get better as more players become available.
Brittain’s radio sheffield interview i’m afraid confirms he’s lost at least some members of the dressing room. That can’t be recovered. The players aren’t behind him, at least not all. The crowd definitely aren’t. The crowd are, wrongly but still, starting to get on the players’ back’s and abusing them. The club has gone toxic. And it won’t improve until he’s gone, surely Conway, Lee, El-Ahmad can’t have failed to see that.