No it doesn’t but the likelihood of it happening for other parties is minuscule compared to the likelihood of it happening for the Tories. Where have you been for the last 12 years, since when have the Tory ‘s cared about the other parties. This is designed to entrench the finances and position even further if you can’t see that then I despair
It'll be good for me; at least I'll be able to vote somewhere. I've been away from the UK too long to vote. I've been away from Australia too long to vote. I'm only a Green Card holder in the USA, so I can't vote (I'm actually behind illegal aliens, who can vote in some local-level elections). Each year I pay a substantial sum to my CPA to prepare accounts for Australia, UK and the USA, and I pay the appropriate taxes. Taxation without Representation!!! I am now off to throw some Yorkshire Tea into San Francisco Bay and shout the "The British are coming!".
Just once it would be nice if those who generally are supporting the Tory line would admit they were wrong as helpfully pointed out by @Scoff saving me digging out the figures Come on @DEETEE stop trying to defend the indefensible - even a lot of Tory Back benchers dont agree with this but still voted it through I actually found myself agreeing with David Davies on this
That’s absolutely rubbish. My parents don’t have any and are existing just fine. They haven’t been abroad in years so passports have expired, my dad has a paper driver’s license and my mam doesn’t drive. They already have a bank account and have no wish to set up a new one and aren’t on Universal Credit. Edit: I’m always setting up new bank accounts online to chase interest rates and I’ve never once been asked for photo ID.
Funny you should bring Universal credit up, these Shalitans are going to take £20 off, I suppose you will agree with that and see more poor families finding it difficult to live.
Did you see The Clown in Chiefs answer when asked about this - paraphrasing but the general gist was that it was encouraging them to get jobs He hasnt a clue or deliberately forgot that UC isnt just an unemployment benefit and that 37% of claimants are already in (Low paid) jobs and its also paid to those with disabilities who are unable to work I guess to him £20 per week is nothing but to those who are relying on it its a huge deal
I’m fairly certain that I’ve made the post that I made above here before. And I’m equally certain that in a future discussion @DEETEE or someone else will trot out the same line (lie) and when told it’s wrong again will disengage. Rinse/ repeat.
. have you actually read the research papers behind the figures provided by that paragraph or have you taken the extract at face value?