I find it odd that they are using the point at which the players take the knee, as the cue to start the protest, what group of high level thinkers came up with that plan then. That's never gonna be misconstrued by the media as anything else is it, bound to get us loads of good publicity. You really couldn't make this shït up if u tried.
I absolutely agree about non violent protest and no vandalism but at some point there has to be the option of non attendance. Denial of funds is the ultimate weapon. The idea that you'd be disloyal not to turn up every week to shout for young Callum or Romal or whoever is music to the owners ears. That's all they care about as far as you're concerned. I'm not saying that is what is appropriate right now and I'm not saying that you have no right to go every week if you want to. But, for example, Blackpool or Coventry fans who attended religiously during their disputes with the owners, were not helping their club but merely fulfilling their own personal desires to be at the match every home game come what may. Their actions did nothing whatsoever to shift toxic ownership that was damaging their club.
The failure is the concept and Conway is the architect of the concept, the others are investors who have believed that the concept would make them money.
I have imagined a conversation between Conway and Lee. It goes like this. So, Paul, just explain it to me again. If Barnsley is relegated, it loses £6m from it EFL income, and it loses more money. If Barnsley stays in the Championship, the club has to invest more in transfer fees and player wages, and it loses more money. Why was football such a good place to invest my money, again?
also with ‘And you said by now your data would have unearthed at least six John Stones, so far all we have is Obbi Oulare and Aaron Leya Iseka, is this working Paul?’
Don't organise them and you risk even more idiots doing their own thing There is always loud applause for taking the knee at games now. Might have been more problematic at the start of the season but really it's just being done at the start of the match and by the time these posters get held up I expect the players will have got up, it won't be instantaneous.
Thee was quite noticeable booing at the last home game though when the players took the knee. Guess which part of the stadium it came from
I think it was against Cardiff but it may possibly have been Bournemouth. I'm around 90% sure it was Cardiff though. It was commented on by quite a few people around me that 'sounds like the idiots are here again'