Anyone who voted for that evil bitch should be thoroughly ashamed of themselves. But then anyone who voted for any of the Tory scum are either a. Thick as pig **** or b. Selfish ********
Says the poster that started a thread to sl@g off the French the other day but soon disappeared when he was shown to be wrong.
6-8 years, corruption whilst in office. If a civil servant, copper, fire officer, prison officer, magistrate, judge, member of the armed forces, traffic warden, council official, social worker, doctor or nurse did this they'd be hammered for it.
The Daily Heil still tried to make out the French retreated. In fact it was the grown up Jersey government who spoke like adults with their adult French counterparts and cut out Mrs Pork Markets Foreign Secretary to resolve it.
Remember not to put all of the second category into just one box. That would be an act of cuntism, we must accept there are many different varieties of lovely people. Wouldn't want to upset the lovely people, especially the snowflake variety of lovely person.
I think it's 4. Rich. Selfish. Racists. Thick. You get an overlap in the top 2, and the bottom 2. You also get plenty of 1,2 and 3 - but generally just the current Tory Party. If you get the full house of all 4, then it usually qualifies you for a Cabinet position.
We are condemning these uncaring Torys and rightly so but don't you think this P1lock of a man who is the Speaker of the House of Commons is just as much to blame if not more as this tw@t allowed this vote and this tw@t allows Johnson to lie at every question he is asked and when 1 Labour MP called him out for lying was removed and condemned from parliament his name is Sir Lyndsay Hoyle a disgrace to the Labour party.
He's more interested in keeping his role, he knows if he keeps the Tories sweet he'll not be hunted down like Bercow. Bercow was a marmite character for many people but he wouldn't have let this shitshow get off the ground. The speaker I agree is as much to blame for all of this.
It's as if the whole parliamentary system is a hotbed of corruption , which it is and always has been . If you ve enough money or lobbied the right people you can pass any law you wish .
He obviously wants his title to go and sit in the House of Lords, unlike the last speaker who really pi$$ed off the conservatives
We have become like America, where partisanship trumps any pretense of integrity and doing right. It beggars belief that insufficient numbers of people will care about this to cause the Tories any problem at all. I despair that this lot will never be out of power.
I think time is running out for the Tories; anything they do to retain the "red-wall" seats will cause problems in their heartlands (and vice-versa), very difficult to please them both with any policy other than Brexit, people will start to realise that Brexit is hurting and even that won't unite them. Also with no fanfare or media attention, The Unite Union has decided to back PR, which if they had done at the Labour conference, it would be in the Labour Manifesto. Unfortunate that they hadn't done it before the conference but it now means that it will come up at next year's conference and will get through. This means that BoJo might have to go for a really early General Election which all logic says they should lose (I know we live in times where logic is unfashionable). I have hope that our broken country can be fixed.
Sadly there are strong signs that the "red wall" seats like this jingoistic tub thumping lets beat the foreigners approach. I fully suspect we'll see a flip where the north becomes more blue and the south and big cities are more red or yellow targets. I genuinely don't see how PR gets through any time soon. We had the AV referendum in the last decade, and we know the govt rhetoric about "rerunning" things. It also wouldn't favour a tory government and we're seeing what they are doing at speed to break the mechanisms that don't favour them (see also mayoral voting amendments). The wider public sentiment also leans towards liking an outright winner. Look at the fallout from the coalition years. We like rivalry in this country. We like seeing confrontation. Much of our rhetoric is winners and losers. I can see the tory approach now, the losers want to change the system. All we can hope is some of these repeated scandals start to accumulate, but until things bite for the people they allege to be helping, I think we're stuck with this for a long time. The face will change, but they've stumbled on a winning formula.
The SFO should be investigating, as bribery ("payment to act improperly in a role") carries a tariff of 10 years for the one paying *and* the one receiving. If he is found guilty of taking bribes in office, that brings in misconduct in public office, which has a life tariff. I would expect a judge to throw the book at him - especially given his public remarks that he has no regrets would do it again - but he might get some leniency for what happened with his wife. So probably 10-12 years, reduced to 6 for good behaviour. Yesterday wasn't just about Paterson though. Randox are deep in the VIP lane Covid contracts and employed Paterson - an investigation into them could lead into the heart of government.