If we decide to settle in Lincoln we'll definitely look at buying an old house and renovating it, but as we're just renting at the minute, we were quite sure that no landlords would have realistically put any sort of decent insulation in! Wentworth Woodhouse is beautiful. Used to go there a lot as a kid as my aunt worked there.
We don't use heating unless there's washing to dry. Have multi fuel stove which heats the whole place if doors are open. Use it for boiling kettle also.
Nope. Downsized to a 2 up 2 down little cottage place, old but thick loft insulation. Coal/log burner keeps downstairs toasty and it's pretty much going 24/7. I've got thermal curtains throughout and door curtains over front and back doors to cover any draughts. It is nippy upstairs but we sleep on 2 mattresses, cos they're both decent and nowhere else to put them when we moved. 2 duvets and a weighted blanket for the Mrs's restless legs.....she claims.....I reckon she just likes kicking me regularly. It is nippy in the morning, but we're up and out in half an hour, and after the 15 minute walk to the gym it makes the swimming pool feel warm. Water's only on for 45 mins morning and early evening too. We're leccy only and its around £130 a month, which is still double what it used to be before the world went mad and I wasn't trying.
Although most of my wood is free, coal ain't cheap now. I managed to source a ton last August for £200 which at the rate we are using it, should last til end of Feb, hopefully thru the worst. Its just over £500 a ton now.
Sorry to hear that kev. Sending you and family best wishes. If that's an appropriate way of putting it. But I know you will get what I mean
I managed to fill coal bunker for £175, 10 bags end of August. The lady said it was going up in September, but she didn't know how much.
Put t It is,i hung towels out today in sun and just needed finishing off on radiators when we put em on. We dry clothes in small bedroom on a dryer but have a couple of them Unibond dehumidifiers near washing.
What are the energy prices like in the UK at the moment? I assume that you've got something similar to what we call the "spot price", where the price of electricity varies from hour to hour, depending on supply and demand. Tomorrow the average price seems to be well above 50 eurocents (that's around 0.40 GBP) per kWh, and I'm afraid that it won't get any lower for a long time now. Next week the temperature outside should drop to around minus 20 degrees so there's really no choice but to keep the heating on... And the prices will be much higher of course.
Ouch. Fortunately over here the houses are usually better insulated (not sure if there's such a big difference these days though?), but on cold winter days I'll be paying about that much or even more for heating as well. Luckily we've got a fireplace in our house, that'll save us some money this winter, even though it's only enough to keep the living room warm.
It's on for an hour or so when we get up and on an evening. Off overnight. As others have said, we're paying the standing charge regardless, I'm not paying not to have the heating on at all. Plus thats the only way to dry clothes. Sorry to hear about your children's illnesses @JLWBigLil and @Stephen Dawson , you do right to keep them warm