Be as short as the one I had with the "security" at Tesco who still challenged her and said she should have one on regardless. The sad truth is for the people who are exempt it's not always that simple and the point I was trying to make is not to generalise and suggest its no trouble to anyone and they are just whinging or orhwr such nonsense.
Good for her. Not normal though, and especially for young children who are growing up thinking it is.or maybe you are happy for kids to wear masks?
My 10 year old wanted to wear one for a bit so I let her.l She soon forgot and got on with life. Like anything in life give kids the information and correct tools to make their own decisions.
unfortunately people like your partner who have genuine reasons are impacted by the actions of selfish people who don’t like wearing them so don’t’. Not caring about other people either the ones they could infect or people like your partner.
I have a clear plastic mask which doesn’t touch your mouth and nose, it’s less claustrophobic then a cloth one. I wonder if those who struggle have tried one?
That's the world we have created through the constant scaremongering. The last 12 months have practically destroyed her. I really try to see the other side of things I do, but when people are just dismissing people as, having a moan, too selfish to wear a mask, only interested in having a pint it really grinds with me. Dismissing the pressure some people have to go through with he mask mandate by saying "I can manage for 8 hours so why can't they" is counterproductive in my opinion.
You mentioned a 3-year-old earlier who would think this is the new normal and now you are talking about young children and masks. Do you know that under 11s are exempt?
I think you're mistaking getting on with it and not being a drama queen with "liking it". I'm sure no-one actually likes wearing one.
Quite a lot of people are too selfish to wear a mask and the people who can easily wear a one with no problem at all but moan about it make people not believe the real struggle your partner goes through.
i don’t believe a word from dePfeffels lips and don’t swallow his focus group tested 3 word sound bites. All I can comment on is what I see, and my perception is one of long periods of time before a huge jump. Monday is a massive jump. I’d prefer shorter gaps between actions, but less actions At each stage and keeping things like social distancing as an overlap between those stages instead of eroding them with statements of future intent. My concern is come June it’s the biggest of bun fights and those who have to be more cautious face an impossible task to stay and feel safe. Just one daft example... two weeks straight, different supermarkets, I’ve had to tell the guy delivering the weekly shop to stand back. I’ve not had to say anything before, and there’s a sign on the door asking people to stand right back because of the circumstance. But suddenly, simple measures aren’t being respected as much. Im certainly not going to argue the government have made an absolute mess of things in so many ways. I’d hope we’re all on the side of preserving life and livelihoods. Even if the government isn’t, regardless of what it professes.
These selfish people aren't the ones who challenged her or gave dirty looks across a shop. Who she heard dismissing it with well I can so why can't they. I have a much bigger issue with those people. I do however take on your point that plenty just choose not.
but the selfish people have led to security people being forced into challenging people and people like your partner get caught in the crossfire. I agree with you though some are certainly over officious and challenge people who clearly are genuine.
Yes I do know that.and no I personally don't have a young child, but I have a niece who's is around that age who is aware that people not wearing masks is frowned upon. Wrong on every level
Just for clarity I'm not trying to suggest the mask thing is the main issue that has caused her situation, Covid certainly has played a huge role. I agree with you about the attitude of some people. I just think it's a fine line between trying to call out selfish people and adding to the condemnation of those who actually need support.