She was very unlucky to be challenged by security. I haven't seen anyone questioned about mask wearing in a shop or a supermarket. There were three lads together in their late teens/early twenties without them in Lidl tonight. They surely can't have all had an exemption.
Probably too scared to challenge them and easier to pick on a frightened woman alone. If you think back the supermarkets employed some very unsavoury "security" during the first lockdown.
Just open your eyes mate. The goal posts keep moving, millions have been jabbed but we seem to be going nowhere near forward. June 21st restriction lifting is looking unlikely, and look who they are blaming, the young. I can fully understand any 20 odd year old not wanting an experimental jab for something that will not kill them. Why should they? Take a look around not much has changed apart from signage, incompetence
His eyes are open. He knows all this. There's nothing wrong with anything you've said in this post. But you accused someone of bed wetting and that doesn't achieve anything and that's what he picked you up on. I want you to get your point across, so does Redstone, but you'll not do it by making posts like that. You might not anyway, but you have a hell of a lot better chance if you stick to your point.
That's a fair comment and I do apologise if I've cause any offense. I completely get people having the jabs if they feel they need them, but the constant peer pressure and propaganda we all face is overwhelming. I can't even listen to the radio anymore because of the constant covid 19 pandemic adverts that's drilled into us anymore, I can't take ut
It's sad that it looks like masks will continue to be mandatory after June 21st in some settings like public transport. At that point they should be personal choice and nothing else.
Significant majority I would imagine yes. Some will have travelled in, naturally, and stayed there for the long weekend. But there’s over 10 million Hispanics live in Texas, which is why Canelo chooses to fight there sometimes - especially on Cinco de Mayo weekend. 40% of the Texas population have had one jab. 32% are fully dosed up.
Your wife is obviously under the medical exemptions category. As I've said no one is being forced to wear them.
Yet as I've explained a couple of times on this thread still confronted about wearing one more than once. Leading to a state where she was afraid to go into certain shops. Its easy to say someone is exempt but the reality for those that are when they go out is very different. It's a lot better now as a large amount of the population don't actually give a S#!t anymore. But when the masks first came in last July time it certainly wasn't .
why wrong? Unfortunately this is the world we 're in for the moment. 3 year olds are very self centered, they'll soon forget about it.
Think it would be fair to say everyone on here understands and agrees with your Wife’s circumstances. But it seems to me the issue here is not about the wearing a mask rule but the attitude of people towards it. By that I mean the people who could wear one but choose not to for selfish reasons, who then spoil it for the genuine people. If there was less of these examples there would not be a perceived need to challenge people. Appreciate none of this helps you and your family and if I was in your circumstances I would be the same, the sooner we can get back to some form of normality the better for all of us.
I'd say it's the attitude of those who take it upon themselves to confront and stare at people who don't/can't. The self riotous judgemental nature of people is the issue to me. We have already seen it within this thread. Broad generalised statements then backtracking and saying "that doesn't include the exempt people" sadly when you make a statement like that it does because that's how it comes across.
Can understand this, slightly different but we had the same with my teenage daughter when having Chemo, we would take her out and having no hair, looking frail etc would cause people to stare, point and whisper.
I'm well accustomed to it having 2 autistic children, it awful isn't it when you are just trying to go about your life.