Well, seeing as Spurs are at the top of the Prem aren't you getting your moneys worth out of him wearing that shirt!?
Yeah indeed I am. Buying him indigo away strip for Christmas because I'm a traditionalist and want to swap the white shorts for indigo ones. Don't like the all white strip. Wanted hooped sox too. Never mind. Gunna get him the white Barnsley shirt and mix and match it with the red shorts and sox.
If it is glandular fever, you can't rush back to doing any sort of physical activity due to a greatly enhanced risk of rupturing your spleen. Obviously this risk is much greater for a professional athlete than for the general population.
It depends how far along in his recovery he is. He may have recovered from the illness in July and have been nursed back to the point where he's effectively ready to begin his pre-season. If so the end of the month could be a realistic timescale for a sub appearance.
What a tha, a parrot, ? https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=lb9ErgOkeBA&ved=2ahUKEwiWjaiNzOaBAxUrSPEDHRqbBF8QwqsBegQIAxAF&usg=AOvVaw3O_jRZWIhwZzWsqG4WaCiM
Ah there’s a great blast from the past. Always liked Duggie Brown and Ken Goodwin on The Comedians. Charlie Williams as well, of course.
Has it been confirmed? I'd heard long COVID at the start of the season. Not sure which is better mind!
No mate, nothing confirmed, just rumours. However, glandular fever made most sense within the context of him being eased back into training so slowly.