Some slight differences on this thread. 1. He did communicate with the board on closing the west stand and was given the green light. As was taken at his word on the issues. 2. He did explain the issues re the west stand at several meetings but not in depth as some would like. 3. The safety officer was the main advisor. 4. The communications to a wider audience. ( a piece in the Chronicle and programmes would have sufficed imo.) Were poor at best. As has been communicated to the club via several avenues on several occasions. I'm just hoping they learn. 5. The first time he had ever heard of the owners. Was when they approached him about the job. 6. The owners are the main culprits in all this. In my view we are just one of a few ventures. Which imo has to be looked at by the footballing authorities. Apparently Khaled has full control. But obviously with a direction to follow from the owners. It's going to be one hell of an interesting close season. I reckon/hope some of the original plans will change. Eg. It'll be interesting to see how they use or don't use the loan market. Having already changed tack from the original mindset. Of not putting other clubs players on show. Cos they see no value.