Really?? Is that why they set up a war crimes tribunal and have convicted most of the Serbian leaders, having sent British cops over there to investigate them. I must have dreamt of the bit about srebrenica, my bad. Mind you I'm not the only one. In 2013 the Serbian president apologised for it and the Bosnian Serb leader ratko mladic was convicted of it in 2017.
I’m talking judges at The Hague etc , my opinion is based on the reasons why they were convicted at a court of law , what’s yours based on?
At yet again point proven - neither of you refer to the Bosnian Muslims or Croats convicted at the same court of law !
Yes I did , your clutching at straws now , The Serbian atrocities were state sponsored as was the Nazis in Germany .
My response of wrong was to the comment that the Serbs thought they could do in Kosovo what they did in Bosnia ! As I said wrong. People appear not to require facts as they should have an understanding of all sides of the war. Kosovo was Serbian land and had been for years with an ever increasing Albanian Muslim population. Attack’s on the minority Serbs was on the increase with the illegal KLA murdering men women and children Fact. The Serb intervention was to protect their people and stop the annexation of their land! Would you not expect the English to intervene on their land if the same happened in an area heavily populated with people from another country pursuing independence ? But of course the West had no interest ( maybe due to the Russian/Serb relationship)
Two wrongs don’t make a right . No other country would have tortured and killed civilians from another ethnic background because terrorists from that ethnic background tortured and killed its citizens . Also the Serb govt at the time had a track record of what they are capable of . I just want to point out I have no agenda against the Serbs if today if it’s present day democratically elected govt . It’s at the time with the people in charge and those that carried out these orders . The Serbian people themselves acknowledged the wrong and themselves hunted down the perpetrators and sent them for trial and acknowledged the convictions .
Buy the KLA, Bosnian Muslim and Croat atrocities weren’t state interventtions ? Who was tudman, izabegovic ?
Just going round in circles now , I’ve no idea who he was I’ve put my reasons from the Plebs Point of view . You havnt posted anything official to substantiate your unilateral views . Ive put forward the trials etc so I’ll lesve it there .
You are both right if i recall correctly. The Kosovo war came about after the end of the Bosnian/Croat/Serbian war as Kosovo wasnt officially recognised in the peace treaties with the Kosovan Albanians wanting closer ties to Albainia as opposed to Serbia. The conflict started with the Kosovan Liberation army launcing a number of raids on Serbian positions. Serbia responded.. The ethnic cleansing wasnt just limited to one side either. Both the Serbs and the Kosovan Albanians were at it. Nato got involved because the KLA were a smaller force and compared to the Serbs, under trained, under armed and lacked the recent combat experience gained in Bosnia. It was the eventual pressure on the Serbian forces that lead to the ceasefire.
Kosovo wasn’t a state and the KLA wasn’t representative of all the Kosovan people and wasn’t recognised by theUN . The Serbian Army was state controlled and therefore as I said acting as a Nazi style dictatorship . Forever Red had got it in his head that this is an assault on the Serbian people in general when it is in fact an assault on the Serbian dictatorship at the time . Every poster who has replied to him has indicated this to be the case .it does my head in when people try to argue a different point to what people are making just to be right .
Reads book a few years ago about small footballing nations. Very interesting, but unfortunately I can’t remember the title. There was a chapter on Kosovo and Swiss National players who were refugees from Kosovo. As well as Tony Blair being a hero to the Kosovans, so was Sepp Blatter as he was one of the few FIFA / UEFA officials who were championing Kosovo’s status in world football. I did find it ironic that figures unliked elsewhere were heroes there!