Sorry, but I fail to see how. They would have done worse without some of the protections which the limited scope of EU law-making affords us - as we may well find out if we ever do leave.
Hrm, Brexit Party lead candidate for the North West is Claire Fox, who is notorious for campaigning in support of the Warrington bombers, denying evidence of genocide in Bosnia and supporting the downloading of child porn.
Worker protections in France and Germany are well ahead of the UK, to the extent that my employer made people in the UK redundant first because it was a lot easier than in the other EU countries. That is entirely within the ability of the UK government(s), as is zero hour contracts.
They’ve already been in. No case to answer. The donations system in question is via PayPal. Same system used by every party. I trust you’ll be demanding the same level of scrutiny across all parties. Especially given at least one of Corbyns staff already has a conviction for fraud in relation to vote rigging... Or only those who’s politics you do not agree with?
Cant believe all this Nigel bashing when you consider that the hard left, with alleged links to HAMAS and the IRA, rife with anti semitism have taken over the labour party and would plunge our country into recession in a heartbeat get a blind eye as its all the fault of the tories. Isnt it the case that theyre all as bad as each other.
The hard left and hard right all crap in the same pot - as you can see with Claire Fox from the Revolutionary Communist Party standing for the Brexit Party. In fact, a lot of the publicity and network behind the BP come from Spiked Online, which was originally the RCP and is now quite right wing in its views.
As mentioned in the documentary on Monday night, " Thatcher a very British Revolution" according to former Tory acolyte and ex-Party Chairman Norman Tebbit he claimed he had bad news for ex- Prime Ministers, Tony Blair , John Major and Theresa May, because they are always referred to by their Christian and surnames. He told the show " if you look back over history , you will find the great political figures are always referred to simply by their surnames, for example Churchill, Atlee, Wellington. Thatcher was in that same category. Those figures don't come along that often." My personal thoughts to his comment at the time in her case, were " thank God for that." In the Mining community I was born into, my older acquaintances who worked down the pit, didn't call her or her cohorts that. To me, whenever they spoke about Tebbit, Howe, Heseltine, Pym, Lawson, Whitelaw, Hailsham or Thatcher et al, I thought they were referring to a Deep Sea diving TV programme that my once Dad told me about, featuring Lloyd Bridges as ace diver, Mike Nelson. Never saw it myself, but I believe it was called " Sea Hunt." !!
Well it seems your opening statement appears to be less true than you’re happy with. I took you at your word and was hoping you could explain our bright future trading under WTO terms. But as you can’t explain it, you’re just another angry brexiteer repeating a phrase you don’t know the meaning of. I’ll help you out: the nice Brexit party candidate lady on the tv the other day said that leaving on WTO terms would wreck the economy but we’d be back to where we are now in ‘maybe 30 years’. That nice gentleman Jacob Rees Mogg stated it’d be 50 years to recover. Now you could have ignored me quoting ‘expert’ economists, but these are the people you’re happy to follow, telling you that millions of your fellow citizens will be poorer for decades, and with only s vague idea of what we’ll gain in exchange for that. Can you elaborate? What’s so great about the future out of the EU that it’s worth screwing the economy for 30 or 50 years?
Sorry Donny but I work 10 hours a day, dont really have the time or inclination to enter into a protracted debate, just happy to express my opinion. I could have a brexiteer rant about why I want to leave the eu. I could cite the numerous injustices suffered by our country but we’d only go back and forth with argument and counter argument and end up where we started. I’ve just sat down in the office, be here til five but will be dipping my toe in to the forum as and when. Looking forward to voting Brexit Party this evening along with si many others
At the last minute May is offering compromises including workers rights !!!!! ah thowt we were adopting ALL the current EU legislation into UK law once we were out. Also here's a question ..apart from the Irish backstop (which has been used from day 1as a "problem" which May will solve, this is the old create a problem then solve it in an attempt to look tough) What else do YOU know is in the "Deal" I will feely admit that this falls into the original Leave/Remain debate for me, the info is probably out there somewhere but I can't honestly say that I'm fully aware of what the deal entails in the small print......
Following Leadsoms defection, political pundits are now predicting that Brady of the 1922 Committee will in all probability announce May's departure date today. She's not saying much, but she's had Philip jam the sofa under the handle to the front door of No 10 just in case.
Just found it odd you’d replied to others, but still not told us how WTO is going to work. So - why isn’t the sky going to fall?
I often wonder how folk could vote for someone like Farage. But then I remember that I’ve met other humans and that many are fcukin idiots.