The Scots are part of the UK so their laws have to be taken into account same as England and Wales . However
Caroline Flint reckons she has up to 50 opposition MP's willing to now support a May-style deal. She doesn't appear to be after an attached referendum. That might not leave Bozzer too far short. The ERG knuckle draggers won't like it though!
Just been watching the Jeremy Vine Show. Didn't catch the detail but apparently Boris has suggested building a bridge ( £19 billion), to connect Scotland with Northern Ireland in an attempt to help the "difficulties" over the border.
Classic Johnson - get people talking about one of his crazy schemes to distract them from what's actually happening. An NI-scotland bridge is a complete non starter. We can barely deliver HS2 using technology that's effectively half a century old. The bridge would be one of the most advanced engineering projects anywhere in the world, and £19bn wouldn't make a dent. It would require a huge span, the removal of a WWII munitions dump right in the middle and have to deal with seriously bad weather on a regular basis. All to connect two sparsely-populated regions, miles away from anywhere that any freight would need to go.
This is all heading into a place I never thought it could in this country. There are two things to consider. Is it being done for the purpose of contrast? To go as far as they can and beyond, to then propose a more palatable deal to the commons which then has scared everyone into submission and there you go, Brexit is delivered. I cant see that being popular with the ERG and DUP, so it seems unlikely, but nothing is ever as it first seems with Cummings and he will literally do anything to "win". Or, they purposefully want a no deal and will do anything to attain it, ideally through someone elses act or failure of action. The EU, Labour, remain, courts... anyone, as long as it's not widely seen as the fault of Cummings and Johnson. Whatever the strategy, even if it appeals to large numbers of people who really should know better, it is laced with hazard in parliaments and courts, and I'm not sure bringing the Queen into it is a wise move at all. I'm not sure beheading will be the outcome, but resignation may well have to be.
Friend of mine said this to me the day he became PM. He'll just get a slight tweak on the deal, enough to say he did it. Then can see enough people from both leave and remain been happy enough to vote them back in. Coupled with the shambles that is the labour party.
The Official Ulster Unionist Party appear to be capable of more creative thinking from what I can gather...they at least put forward what appear to be reasonable alternative backstop proposals.
that was the Scottish court, the English court gave it the thumbs up. Scotland have a different judicial system to England. I found that first hand when I was with the RAF in Scotland.