The world is full of many countries. If you aren't happy with the one you live in then pick another to live in that will make you happier. Do what makes you happy rather than being miserable putting up with something you hate.
yeah, just move countries. job, family, friends, home, visa, entry, citizenship, finances, career, education, childcare, security, pension, healthcare. yeah, just move. or...stay where you are and try to democratically right the wrongs? absolute space cadet.
Int 70`s I voted against joining the EU cos for the average Joe change means cost and that always filters darn to the masses and this time I voted remain for the same principle, nothing more no other motive. I lost on both occasions but the results counted and what will be will be, am just glad that this whole borefest maybe seeing a bit of light at the end of the tunnel. Then on to the next topic to split the nation. Can`t wait.
One would certainly hope so, and it would be difficult to understand any reason to sign up to something that would make things worse. (Although this is Boris we're talking about so maybe we shouldn't count our chickens) It would be nice to think that in the short term it at least results in us not experiencing food shortages. But I'll be very surprised if our weekly shopping doesn't get considerably more expensive.
Difficult to say much without reading the detail. But if a deal maintains zero tarrifs and quotas on our current trade, doesn't allow regression from current rules, but also allows divergence in the future at the cost of some tarrifs and quotas being imposed that would strike me as being about the most fair outcome that could be expected given the circumstances. To my mind that respects the outcome of a referendum which was relatively tight in outcome giving us sovereignty but with clear consequence - and respects the fact that we've never really had a public debate or a democratic vote on which specific areas of EU regulation we actually want to diverge from.
It sounds as though it's done. Farage has just issued a statement " the War is over." Next move for him living in the States.!
Or they can campaign for 40 yrs against the deal until they eventually get a referendum where they lie about the benefits of a new deal then when they win they tell everyone else who doesn’t like it to go somewhere else , and call it democracy
Now to negotiate with the rest of the world. Freedom of movement between Canada/Aus/NZ/UK. Shiny new trade deal with the Yanks. Get in.
what we should look for: - is it better than what we had before? - does it deliver what was promised? - does it impose new costs on British businesses? - does it downgrade any of our rights? - does it make the UK less secure?
For me, it makes sense that in order to deter any other member state leaving the EU, we were never ever going to get the deal we wanted. Let's hope that some good comes out of this and the Tory grandees see fit to remove Boris the bungler. The man is a liability.
One of the concessions Bozo has wrung from the death-grip of the recalcitrant EU, is no tariff on letter H's. You can thus finish your above sentence with one, all courtesy of Ursula von der Leyen.