I doubt it. We’ve got months of people who knew exactly what they voted for (despite it being different to this) gloating
I can't understand why the Brexiteers are so interested in Fish. The fishing industry is a miniscule fraction of our economy and we can't even fish the quota we had in the EU, we let other countries have it. Mindless.
My forecast; The British Government won't allow an independence vote but the people of Scotland will demand one. They will hold an illegal referendum and there will be rioting in the streets with British Army sent in to "protect the people". A new paramilitary group The Scottish Republican Army led by @arabian_ian will start a terrorist campaign. In 30 years time a visionary Labour Prime Minister will achieve the impossible by signing The Christmas Eve Agreement with Sturgeon and @arabian_ian.
I genuinely don't know what you're talking about. you do know democracy allows people to change their minds, right? just like when people decided they didn't want to be in the EU any more.
Brilliant. A Prime Minister who campaigned for something he didn’t believe in, to advance his own career. I don’t know who’s the biggest w4nker, Boris or those who voted for him..
To be fair, the Common Fisheries Policy is one of the reasons our fishing industry is so minuscule. Fishermen are one of the few groups that could feasibly be better off post-Brexit, assuming they weren’t completely sold out to secure the trade deal.
There must be a reason that there is so much interest in our fish, the eu were as hell bent on keeping their nets in our water as much as the government were in getting it all back I genuinely hope that our fishing industry takes off again, creating jobs for places like brid and Scarborough
Why is that exactly? We’re an island and we import more fish than we sell, all this since joining the EU. Strange innit!!!