The most reported crime in 2020 in Barnsley is violent crime. Mostly around the town centre. Theres been quite a few stabbings at least two firearms offences that I can recall and drug use is going through the roof. Barnsley has a very nasty undercurrent of organised crime. Be it the indigenous population, county lines or within the migrant community. We havent got the problems of sheffield nor do we have it out in such public view but dont be fooled that it isnt happening.
Load of ******, I’ve never said crime doesn’t happen and I’m not fooled either. I won’t listen to someone who constantly bleeps on here about how bad Tarn is and who tries to compare it with places that are far far worse to even begin to make a comparison. Now go back to the Sun to see if you can get something else to negatively misrepresent the truth and, probably fit your agenda