The point is Droconian measures don’t solve the problem. Punishment at best can only be ever be part of the solution.
Good , it's the only way to sort it out. Too many people think the police can sense trouble and with their resources they have no chance.
Well it's not just this goverment. And I agree about weed i think the sooner it is legal probley the better free up police time, tax it and make the country money and stop the growers and dealers making fourtunes. but I don't think ecstasy is a harmless and should not be legal.
Has for E's.. in 99.9% of cases the reason why there has been deaths from MDMA is because It's illegal. It's the additives used by criminals who make the stuff is reason for deaths from it
Definitely not just this government, I agree entirely. As for ecstasy, it is statistically one of the least harmful substances relative to the number of users. Most deaths come about because people don't know what they're taking - adulterated tablets or ones which are far stronger than the norm. If we're looking at harm reduction, the only rational solution is to make it to pharmaceutical grade, with exact doses, legalise it and tax it. The same goes for all recreational drugs. Let's be right, if alcohol were discovered today, it would be class A and ranked alongside cocaine in its harmfulness. And I say this as a craft ale and wine fanatic.
People become drug dealers for money. Take away the profit and it suddenly becomes a lot less attractive to anyone that needs money. Not only should drugs be legal but the government could import or make in bulk and undercut the gangs. It would save billions per year that could be used to pay for treatment options for addicts.
Your probley right there I just think people who are regularly using E's must be frazzling their brain cells and the long term effects can't be good. I have young kids and wouldn't like to think they were getting into these things but I suppose education aswell is the key. I think something has to change on the war on drugs it just isn't working. Blokes never done a days graft in their lives driving tip audis and bmws living the high life never right. Not to mention the smack and spice heads walking about town centres like zombies.
I'm guessing it's like a lot of these things where some heavy users come out unscathed whereas relatively light users can end up suffering from panic attacks bouts of depression, anxiety and the like, years after they stopped popping. I guess it's similar to the fact that although a lot of people like to have a drink on a pretty regular basis, relatively few end up with alcohol dependency issues. Just the luck of the draw.
The way folk are leaving the forces these days national service may end up seriously being looked at regardless. There’s more and more full time reservists and now introducing part time reservists as they haven’t got the bodies anymore. I’d say there’s a more than average chance of this occurring in the next decade. Yet another part of the public purse that the government are killing off, countries on its arse with these financial cutbacks
I honestly don’t get/ understand it. I’ve never even been tempted by any kind of drugs, or smoking if it comes to that ( I’m not perfect I love a drink) . It could possibly be a lifestyle change,over the years,when I was younger sport was king, football, cricket , squash etc and I just wanted to be fit, and got a buzz from winning . There’s no doubt that self esteem also comes into it, but I can’t help but thinking it’s also a mental weakness with spice and irrespective the ones that take it would take anything anyway?
I'm sure there are loads of people like yourself & that is great, although alcohol is a very strong drug in itself. It is also my drug of choice & totally legal. There are millions of other people hooked on totally legal drugs like pain killers. The sort of stuff that killed Prince. No one talks about that though, as the government & pharmaceutical companies don't want you reading about it.
Me too, hick... Very good points. Most of the stuff that is legal is a lot worse for you, but legal drugs & booze keep the economy & many of us hard workers going...
In my opinion it's a more complex issue than that. I like a drink as much as the next person. In fact most of my family do (Irish / Scottish / Yorkshire / Russia - what a genetic combo!). However, we all drink in moderation mostly, and have functional family lives, friendships, jobs etc. All apart from my uncle, who drank himself to death in his early 50's. Was it due to his marriage and career falling apart? Was he genetically predisposed? Or simply "weak minded"? Could the same happen to me if for example my business went down the pan and my wife then kicked me out for cheating on her? I just don't know. With regards to various other substances, I think a lot depends on what sort of music people get into. The electronic music scene especially, attracts a high level of ecstasy usage and other stimulants or hallucinogens, which some people are unlikely to even come into contact with otherwise. Being completely honest, anyone who is able to go to electronic music events with their mates, consistently see them having a brilliant time, and still refuse to consume anything has at least as much willpower as someone sitting in a pub all night supping orange juice. Don't get me wrong I knew one or two back in the day who didn't ever take any substances, and I will happily go to a rave and enjoy the music completely chemical free. But I'm 40. If I was 20 and my main task on Monday was just surviving a couple of uni lectures rather than a whole day of work, I'd probably find it much more difficult not to indulge!
And the fact they appear to be allowing every ****** whove seen active service in the last 50 years to be sued by various parasitic lovely people.
Personally mate I’d have to be off my tits before you got me near the electronic music scene ( I’m a fair bit older than you) Seriously though I I also try to be careful and by And large only ‘drink’ at weekends to avoid it getting to be a habit. The trouble is if it does get a hold of people they just need more and more to get a ‘hit’, same with drugs they either need more or different stronger stuff and then they are in trouble. The big difference (I think) in drink and harder drugs for the occasional users is that once it’s in there’s no going back until it wears off, at least with drink it’s not great but you can be stopped. Honestly wouldn’t know how to deal with people who take spice, they need proper serious help and if they are at that end of the spectrum to still. take stuff like that knowing the effects would they want help enough to get it?