The post covid world will look a lot differently, Labour under JC had policies which folk liked they didn't like him. However by being part of TU or a Labour member you can fight to keep the current manifesto. The manifesto is still relevant and a social rebalancing will be required after the Tories have decimated many industries in the country. Force Starmer to adopt the manifesto, which to many was a progressive socialist move. I think after the next 4 years the country will be crying out for social change. Marcus Rashford has already proved this, its about uniting against a common enemy, inequality, greed the Tories. If Starmer chooses to ignore the membership and TU then he'll be another Kinnock. The party needs a reset, I honestly think JC will be brought back in after the investigation. What's the point in arguing there's too many open goals to score massively and change the countries direction. By February next year we'll have had 14 months of Boris rule, all he's brought is death, financial hardship and by then a Brexit pipe dream which is being exposed by the day. Oh and he and his cabinet are trying their best to out Trump, Trump in the lying stakes.
True, give it until Monday then get the foot down on the issue. Sometimes you need to release your inner darkness. If they can do it so can we, the moral high ground and seeing the best in everyone doesn't win elections. When you are at war you have to get your hands dirty. The was reason Blair had Campbell in his team. Release your inner Malcolm Tucker for the greater good.
What the hell was he doing then? Sitting in a corner, fingers in ears, chanting "I'm not listening?" His office = him.
I hope the Labour Party and then the country sees the common sense in those words... I’m not holding much hope out!
In saying all this I'd also like to see the Tory gutted of these extreme right wing nutters, or as John Major called them ********. There was a time when cross party agreements were signed off on. Major and many before him excluding Thatcher tried to work to a consensus. That way if things went wrong politically it was a plague on both houses, everyone loses. I watched the whole 6 hour documentary on Watergate, yes its Amercian politics but it's amazing what can be done with cross bench cooperation and unity. Now look at the situation with Marcus Rashford again, and we saw decenting voices from the other side. Will it build a consensus I doubt it, but it'll force Boris again to change course. He's frightened of cross party working but he knows he'll get an humiliating defeat at some point if he doesn't. Bugger the dark arts, that's Boris deals in. Do it in the daylight and watch em run back into their caves. I see today a legal action was taken about the Russia report, that's the way to go and take decent MPs with you.
Thanks for reiterating my point, you mention one name, There are several times more Tories involved with theses types of scandals that any other party. Crack on ‘full’
So Corbyn is to take the rap because of the actions of the office he was ultimately responsible, fair enough, I suppose that’s how it should be. Shame this doesn’t seem to apply for any ministers in this current **** show of a Govt.
The content of the report isn't the cause of the suspension. Starmer's replies in the press conference this morning were very much about Corbyn not being individually named in the report, and the impression it gave was that he wouldn't be taking any direct action against him. The trigger to the suspension was the subsequent statement by Corbyn which basically refuses to accept the findings of the EHRC investigation, which sets him firmly against the party's acceptance of it in full and a commitment to fulfil the (legally-binding) recommendations within the required timescales.
Exactly right. It is astonishing that Corbyn couldn't see the need to stop digging from within this hole that Labour has got itself into. Although given his leadership record, maybe not that astonishing. If Corbyn was still leader then I would say that Sir Keir and his associates should form another party representing more centrist (and in my view, more electable) views. As Sir Keir is the overwhelming choice of the membership to be leader, then Corbyn and his ilk ought to found their own party. If there is little difference in the policies they wish for, Corbyn should fall into line. Instead I suspect we are in for prolonged battles over the party direction which will do wonders for the Tory cause and for keeping Labour out of power for many more years to come. Sad that these battles need to be fought again in the face of such a divisive and incompetent Tory administration.
I'm more than willing to support Kier Starmer but is this what happened when the membership overwhelmingly voted for Corbyn? Anyway, all in the past. The biggest challenge Starmer is going to have is remaining appealing to the under 40 professionals like me and my wife, who believe that there needs to be more radical and progressive change than Labour offered up preCorbyn, whilst reconnecting with former heartlands. No mean feat. And an aimless drift to the centre won't cut it, no matter how inept the opposition.
It actually shows it wasn't a big issue. Do you know who the Compliance Unit were, by that I mean their religeon? Have you seen the leaked report which Starmer would not release the same report CLPs, LLPs and party members have been warned they can't talk about? This was the report where the Compliance Unit were feeding Corbyn with fake information. The same report where Party workers worked against the Party at the GE. Don't comment unless you have seen the leaked report.
Appreciate what you're saying, but is it aimless if the ambition is to actually get Labour elected? I was under 40 once! And I remember the restlessness and desire for change. Those principles and desires are fine, but unless they appeal to the masses (swayed as they are by the right wing media and disinformation regime) then what will be achieved? 50% of what you want, or 100% of what you don't?
Haha, we've done this one to death haven't we? I'm not convinced there's a pragmatic route to power for centre left parties anymore across Europe, compounded in the UK by the push for Scottish independence. And I'm backing Starmer, but he needs to keep enough of the optimism for change that saw young people flock to Labour under Corbyn. Parties of the left only ever win when they offer hope.
"A new dawn has broken, has it not?" (TB !! ) I'm clinging to the dream that I wake up next Wednesday morning to tune in to Joe Biden's acceptance speech. It would be like a glimmer of hope in a desperate world. But so much **** has landed on us this year that I daren't hope too much!
Nail fairly much on the head. I only rejoined the party due to Corbyn. The reality is you can't win an election now on even centre left principles. Welcome to fascism. That is where we are at. You can't even hug your mum anymore.