Any news bulletin on the last year. Reeves statements about economics accepting the Thatcherite lie about a nation’s economy being the same as a household one mean that austerity and further cuts to public services are baked in.
If the Labour Party wants left of centre people to vote got it then it should not promote right wing Thatcherite policies. I hated Thatcher I’m not going to vote for someone like Starmer who thinks she was right. I would vote instrumentally for any party with a hope of beating the two Tory parties. So parties to the left like LibDems, Green, Breakthrough, SNP if I could but definitely not a Thatcherite party
Whilst agreeing with all the sentiments on Starmer, our voting system dictates that if you vote for anyone other than Labour, it is more than highly likely that the Tories will win the general election again. That's just a fact. So it's a case of getting the lesser of two evils in and taking it from there.
I get where you're coming from, but Starmer isn't the Labour Party. There are members with a diverse range of viewpoints, ranging from Blairites to Corbynites and a lot in between. That's going to be the case with most large political parties. There are plenty of prominent members of the Labour Party whose positions on a lot of issues align with mine much closer than Starmer's, whereas I can't say that about the Tories. First things first, we need to get the Tories out before they do any more damage. The only realistic way of doing that while ever we have the horrendously outdated and not fit for purpose FPTP electoral system is with a Labour government.
Voting Record doesnt look very right wing
Some good healthy debate on this thread. It anything, it shows how broken our voting system and thus our democracy is. Policy/ideology wise I suspect you could throw a blanket over most posters here. But the views on who to vote for vary wildly. That can't be right and it reflects a landscape where the 'opposition' lurch towards the ruling party in chasing votes by mirroring an approach that brought a landslide majority. It's simply not democratic. I'm now hugely in favour of PR as a voting system. It's the only progressive way to truly have representation of the general sensibilities of the British population, aside from mass devolution (which I would also like to see). For what it's worth, I haven't a clue how I'd vote in a GE today. I couldn't live with myself if a Tory government is elected and I voted Green. And I would cheat myself to elect a centrist, pro-greed, out of touch bunch of egotists, should any new Labour government follow that path.
you are out of step there. Labour are systematically removing any one on the Left of the party particularly BAME people. They have ignored the Forde report. Lots of stuff in there about systemic attacks on members. 40 years ago a vote for the SNP was seen as a wasted vote. Even within FPTP things can change but they won’t if we just accept red team blue team.
For me the tactical naïveté is the strange thing. Corbyn will stand as an independent. He will have a decent chance of winning. More importantly that’s where the media’s focus will be. Instead of letting Corbyn do what he’s done for most of the last half century work as a very good constituency MP with little influence he has made it an issue where it’s lose lose for Labour. Funny that Labour had clearly had advice that peddling the AS lie wouldnt fly legally and resorted to Corbyn damaging electoral prospects. This is from Labour who praise Blair (regularly polls as least popular politician) and Thatcher (not gonna fly well in red wall seats however racist he is). If you are gonna play Machiavellian games at least be good at em
Agree they've created a focus where there never needed to be one. Leave everything alone, Corbyn carries on doing what he's been doing for 40 years in a safe seat and the media have not a lot of interest in that, cos he's no longer really relevant to the leadership. But now they've stirred up a story.