^^^^^^^^ In spades. There is so much wrong with what some are demanding. You do not wash your dirty linen in public.
I dipped out lil. As in a previous post in this thread . Over to you T67. On that point. Referring to my previous post. Which one’s ugly?
Daniel’ s and our problems started in that disastrous period between Gauthier leaving to go to Nice and Dane taking up the CEO post. We’ll never know what Daniel might have achieved if he had proper backing. Anyway good luck to him and I for one will be keeping an eye on his progress
Stendel was sacked after not being backed with what he asked for. Struber wasn't sacked despite some unbelievable displays of public petulance than went to the point of disrepute. One had a 2m euro exit clause, one didn't. Some may think that coincidence.
To be fair, you're right. Plus you've got a report to write! Crack on, hope you get done in time for the match mate.
I think there was bad blood between him and the owners before he spoke to huddersfield he had his 4 of his best players leave 3 of them sold. After pre season freindlys he said in interviews he needed experience to compete in the championship he never got any. He wasn't backed at all no loans, no over 25s as soon as struber came he got both.
You definitely didn’t! He did a brilliant job in turning us round after that shower that Heckingbottom and Morais put us through.
I love Valerien MORE than anybody else. Game on big fella, name your time and place. Just don't wear your pink leotard though, Please