I heard 1.25Million yesterday on the sky commentary. No firm data for the actual fee as it was undisclosed but we do know it was more than 1.5million so the Sky figure is definitely wrong - big shock there
I agree and thought that we were in for Paul Hurst before he took the Ipswich job. I think that was reliably reported at the time. He was my top choice, but then I had never heard of Stendel at that time.
This ain’t true. We were really keen on Darren Moore before we opened it up to applicants and there’s a chance he would have been offered it had he not got the West Brom job, but from the three people we actually interviewed Stendel was the clear number one choice. And we had to work to convince him this project was worth a shot.
Was it that we identified the style of play and went out to identify candidates we wanted to apply that fitted the bill. We then had to persuade them to apply alongside domestic applicants, was it that our first choice in this respect turned us down as an applicant, but Daniel applied?
Pretty sure it’s been confirmed by some one may have been GG abit ago that we offered Moore the job and he turned it down for the West Brom job and then out of the 3 people we identified as candidates after that Stendel was vastly more impressive than the other two. Actually quite glad Moore turned us down, although he’s not had the chance to manage in the Championship yet I don’t think I’ve ever liked a manager as much as I like Stendel
We were definitely keen as soon as the season was finished and Morais was given the old heave-ho. But Moore was always going to get the West Brom job so it never got as far as an actual offer. That's my understanding, meaning we quickly moved on to the strategy around identifying the play and convincing Stendel (who gave the best presentation) that Barnsley was the right move.