Id generally agree with you however under extreme provocation such as refs producing Willard esque performances its hard for even the most laid back fans to avoid the odd inappropriate word or sign. But yes there should be no need for abusive language - you dont get it at Rugby games so why is it the norm at football The last game away from Oakwell my Dad went to was the FA cup semi at Wembley. there were some yobs a couple of rows behind us whose language even made me blanch and there were families with kids around but when some of the parents politely asked them to show a bit of consideration they turned on them with all the words I can think of and some I didnt even know - totally uncalled for and my Dad basically said he wasnt going to any more games where that sort of behaviour is happening around him - he just sticks to his seat in the West Stand where the fans around us are much better behaved. Its a shame as he would have enjoyed the Oxford Final at Wembley - less said about the Millwall one the better though
I know accusing someone of hypocrisy is a logical fallacy, and it’s no good downplaying the behaviour of some of our so-called “fans”, but it’s hard to take a lecture about the objectification of women from someone who supports a team managed by Joey Barton a man with a history of violence against woman and also who has a onlyfans account.
Why cant folk just behave and be nice? I am the only male in a house of 3 amazing women (wife and 22 yr old and 17 yr old step daughters). If anyone spoke to them in that manner then im sure you can imagine how i would react. Racism bigotry sexism is wrong anywhere be it the workplace the pub or a sporting venue. Have we learnt nothing over the years? Whoever you are you should be ashamed of yourself and for dragging the name of our club in the gutter.