At fault for the first one too getting in the way when he could have at least jumped to challenge for the ball....
I have nothing against the opinion you have stated. Its the go boil your head statement that I have issue with. Comes across has a bit dickish
Got to be honest, Stonesy has gone backwards in last year He always has to have a little dribble and he loses the ball He does not get in city's side because he has gone backwards
Dutch just waiting to pick us off from back . Midfield not giving options for simple pass . It’s a team effort not individual blame imo
I'm chuffed that you're taking such delight from seeing a Barnsley lad and ex Barnsley player have a poor game. It says a lot about you.
Croatia did the same thing last year . When we have the ball at the back their attackers are pushing up and going man to man .
Where has this myth that Stones doesn't play much for City come from? He suffered from injuries last season but still managed to play in 24 league games.
Sancho scores this game was all over. Fine margins. Better to lose tonight than against Portugal on Sunday.
The ball to goalkeeper was the killer . If Berkeley can’t pass straight to goalie from that he should pack In.
I know you need something else to toss off over now FHM no longer exists, but rubbishing Stones is a bit weird.
Stones had a shocker tonight there’s no doubt about that. What I find bizarre is it seems to be fair game to tear into Stones & hammer him when he’s barely played this year yet every fan & journo going is queueing up to make excuses for Kane having a shocker on Saturday as he’d missed about 6 weeks.
You wouldn't do being a Man Utd season ticket holder. Why is it surprising to anyone that you've taken this opportunity to tear Stones to pieces after one bad performance? Some people have short memories on here i'm telling ya. And some saying we wouldn't want Stones in our back four is just the cherry on top of the cake.