Like Mr Herring, I started back in my dim and distant youth, 3rd division north if my memory serves me well, I've seen some dark times and some good times but only two really good times, Clark/Hunter then Danny, you did go down with some expectation of something special could happen. Every thing else in my mind is normallity, even today, I never get carried away by seasons like last year even though it was enjoyable and I tend to suffer in slience these days when a Spackman/Morais/ Parkin/ Illey etc era happens. It is what it is. COME ON YOU REDS.
You have only ever seen the good times & base your opinions on that which is fine, whilst I started watching in 1961 & never saw up play in the 2nd division/championship for 20 years & that is why different generations have by & large different tolerance levels, but I think the key is at what level were the team when you first start watching them & that sets the bar , I endured but still enjoyed years of 3rd & 4th division football & thats why a bad season in the championship still seems o.k , don"t get me wrong I do not enjoy seeing them lose but I remind myself of some of the dross I have watched & put things into perspective with what is happening now & at the end of the day I am a take the rough with the smooth kind of bloke & what will be will be sort of belief , however the one & only thing that really keeps me going is loyalty to my team & club , once I lose that then I will stop going.
4th division when I started following. We assembled such a squad and spirit that the 3rd tier was a walk in the park, essentially. Since then, I firmly believe the 2nd tier to be our true level. Flirt with the play-offs every now and again, flirt with relegation every now and then. It's harder to compete there now due to a combination of our operating model and parachute payments, but yes, we should still be aiming to more than stay in this division and compete. Whether we will or not, is the cause of the stress alluded to. We are highly unlikely to repeat last year every time, but I would be gutted if we ended up going down - that would be a massive failure both on and off the pitch. It's still mostly an enjoyable pastime, being a Reds fan.