There's no context in which this is sane: "So I asked Bill a question some of you are thinking of if you're into that world, which I find to be pretty interesting. So, supposing we hit the body with a tremendous, whether its ultraviolet or just very powerful light, and I think you said, that hasn't been checked but you're gonna test it. And then I said, supposing it brought the light inside the body, which you can either do either through the skin or some other way, and I think you said you're gonna test that too, sounds interesting. And I then I see the disinfectant, where it knocks it out in one minute, and is there a way you can do something like that by injection inside, or almost a cleaning. Because you see it gets in the lungs, and it does a tremendous number on the lungs. So it'd be interesting to check that. So you're going to have to use medical doctors, but it sounds interesting to me, so we'll see. But the whole concept of the light, the way it goes in one minute, that's pretty powerful."
Nobody is suggesting he was instructing anyone to inject bleach. He was trying to make himself look intelligent by holding a brainstorming session on live tv. Hey, look at our President trading ideas with medical experts. What a guy! What is staggering is the depth of his stupidity in a) floating the bizarre idea of SEEING whether introducing disinfectant to the lungs or UV light inside the body would be a cure. I would have hoped that any normal human would have mentally screened those words before they came out of their mouth and if i say that it's going to make me look stupid. And b) He's the PRESIDENT. People put weight on what he says whether instructions or spitballing ideas. He should have known the danger some of his mentally challenged supporters might think they'd give it a go. As he said with hydroxychloroquine...."try it. What have you got to lose? "
If the Trump presidency proves one thing to me, it’s that the US president is not ‘the most powerful person in the world’ as has always been said. I mean,,, come on, it can’t be can it?
This..... I don’t think for a minute he was suggesting people should go and inject themselves BUT, he is probably the most listened/reported on person on the planet, this comes with a responsibility you have to accept when taking on the job. How he or his administration have not learnt the importance of sometimes it’s not what you say but how and how it can be interpreted is staggering.
To be fair to trump and his Statement about disinfectant and the body he isn't far from the mark... In the grand scheme of things.. Peroxide is a bleach known for its use in hairdressing.. Bleach in its self can and is used as a cleaning agent..antiseptic too Hydrogen peroxide (food grade level) taken in a very diluted state increases the oxygen levels in your body if taken regularly... it helps fight infection. Its used in alternative medical therapies... There's numerous books on the subject... Makes interesting reading.. Check out..Oxygen Therapies and Flood your body with oxygen by Ed McCabe . You can also find details about it on YouTube...
If ever there's fake news this reply goes to the top of the list.... My post is both researched and is medically recognised to work ... And might I add has been tested ..... I might also add I'm not advocating everyone rushes out to buy and try.. I'm pointing out trump (even though I'm not a fan) was actually on to something.. With his disinfectant thought pattern...
You do not need to question that, you should make it an outright statement, & their all as thick as hippo ****.
Even Boris (who's not the sharpest knife in the drawer) had him sussed In 2015, Johnson criticised then-presidential candidate Donald Trump's false comments that there were no-go zones in London governed by shariah and inaccessible for non-Muslims. Johnson said that Trump was "betraying a quite stupefying ignorance that makes him, frankly, unfit to hold the office of president of the United States", becoming the first senior politician in the UK to declare Trump unfit for office (but rejecting calls for him to be banned from the country). Johnson also added that he "would invite [Trump] to come and see the whole of London and take him round the city – except I wouldn't want to expose Londoners to any unnecessary risk of meeting Donald Trump." He later called Trump's comments "ill informed" and "complete and utter nonsense", adding that "the only reason I wouldn't go to some parts of New York is the real risk of meeting Donald Trump". In 2016, he said he was "genuinely worried that he could become president", telling ITV's Tom Bradby of one moment where he was mistaken for Trump in New York as "one of the worst moments" of his life. Mind you they're best mates now apparently they've both been elected as leaders