Absolutely agree in some respects. The season we went up then sold four fifths of the defence and replaced them with kids was bonkers and it took Solbauer and a nigh on miracle to save us. Developing good young players is absolutely key to our ability to anywhere near compete but you always need a pool of experience to support them.
A few years ago we did step it up by spending £1m+ on the likes of Kane, Thomas and Schmidt, but it took a few years to get decent performances out of Kane, whereas we got little or nothing from Thomas and Schmidt, either on the pitch or in transfer fees. This is clearly going to make them wary of spending (in our terms) big money on players and if they are having to keep pumping money into the club, you can understand why. It’s incredibly frustrating when we are getting our players picked off by the likes of Luton, Coventry and Huddersfield, clubs we should be able to compete with, and even more frustrating when we are losing first team players to a non-league club, but overall, I prefer us to be trying to live within our means, rather than getting ourselves tens of millions in debt like other clubs. I just wish the Football League would take a firmer stand on clubs that are living way beyond their means. It seems nowadays that even just to have a club remain in the Championship you need owners who are basically prepared to throw loads of their own money away. No other industry could sustain this. The big problem is players’ wages. It’s incredible how the football world has let this spiral out of control. The wages in the Premiership are outrageous, particularly when fans are then expected to pay £1k+ for their season ticket to subsidise this, as my Spurs supporting mate does. But when you get players in the third flight getting paid £10k+ per week we have to realise that something has gone very wrong and that something needs to happen to rein this in. It’s very unlikely to happen now the Saudi Arabian league has started picking the best players off top European teams though. Premiership clubs just cannot compete with what the Saudi clubs are paying, but they will try. We could start seeing some very big clubs getting into serious financial trouble soon. As if clubs already aren’t!
From an English game point of view the sooner the big five or six clubs naff off to some glitzy, Haarlem Globetrotter World league and take their stupid wage structures with them the better. Hopefully, with a bit of sensible governance (no chance I know) the game might then return to some semblance of reality.
Erm… Millwall owner has put over £100 million into Millwall & Preston owners are worth over a Billion and put in £12 million a year
Before the last 2 seasons Millwall's all time transfer record was £1 million for Bradshaw and they finished top 10 every year. The Millwall owner was there 10, 15, 20 year? I dont know but its not surprising he has racked up expenditure like that after so long is it?
Me too. Makes me smile everytime them and Wednesday conceed a goal. Back to Cheltenham you lying pr1ck.
Millwall owner died a month ago, his son has taken over and vowed to "continue the legacy", so they're hardly operating on a shoe string. He put in 12 million last season.
I think Collins will do well for us, but hyperthetically if Collins leaves/ sacked would you have Duff back if he was available?
Look no further than Wednesday, Derby. Portsmouth or bolton for the other side of the coin. Barring pompey all have been or are massively in debt. Wednesday will struggle to stay up.
how much money do you think patrick cryne put into BFC over his tenure? He spent 1 million every year just to keep the academy running. A wage bill of 500k-750k a year I think the reality is owners of football clubs have to invest an awful lot of money
Yes. Although I don't think it would happen. I also think Collins will do well. Seemed to have made some small tactical tweaks yesterday which made a big difference.
You claimed they didn’t have mega rich owners, I was pointing out they do. A big difference between us and them both is their owners have been putting money in on a different level to ours.
we battered al them clubs at oakwell this year It's not mega rich though by championship standards Haven't Stoke racked up £350 million in debt
I was more referencing the financial side. As money doesnt guarantee success. I do not regard us as minnows either. Just more prudent. How much have wendy spent to get to the championship. (Luckily imo btw.) Only to see a possibility of relegation looming if they don't improve.
I was comparing us as clubs. Millwall and Barnsley are very similar. And a big difference is the stability. Jake cooper has been there 9 years Hutchinson 8 years Bradshaw 5 years Wallace was there 7 years It's a huge factor which ever way you look at it And our club lost 8-9 million by getting relegated anyway