Doesn't matter what others are doing. It's ours to win or lose. My hope is that we go into that last game against Norwich two points behind the team in 2nd - and then we pip them to it!
Sounds aggressive. Laser-printed would be my preference. True though innit? Proper heart in mouth stuff a couple of times with Collins that second half.
I have to cover my eyes every time he comes charging out. I've been one of his biggest critics, but I'm slowly warming to his style. it's obviously being coached into both keepers, and allows us to play how we do. every now and then he's gonna make a complete fk up and cost us...just have to hope it's not when the stakes are high
He’ll save us more points than he’ll cost us imo. Rather him do that than him hold his ground and allow a one on one tbh. It’s important he does that with the way we play obviously and he’ll probably cost us a goal at some point with a misjudgement but the times he clears and saves a one on one will far outweigh those.
suppose it depends what you mean by 'no massive blunders so far'....I'd say he's made a few big mistakes. we've just been lucky that they haven't been punished
There's always going to be mistakes though, whether he comes out of not. Jack Walton worried me more when he came out as he didn't do it as much and seemed more hesitant.
Not questioning the tactics or strategy and up until that Bournemouth away game he hadn't worried me once. It was working really well and still does. I actually think he's been slightly more hesitant recently since that Bournemouth game where it could have gone horribly wrong for us. The skill is in finding the balance but giving away a throw 40 yards from goal is better than having a player baring down on your goal - plus it's the only way we can play the high line.
Come on, we'll win, Brentford and Swansea won't, puts us 3rd. If u can't believe this season, when can u
Yep agreed. Bournemouth have so much quality in their team. Will be a tough ask to beat them again, but certainly possible !