Guarantees a minimum of 15 seasons 20 max. Out of business. . Guessing 20yrs in the wilderness ( don’t forget they’re massive. The premier their rightful place ) or bust.
Yup which ever year they get to the Premiering the yrs 6 to 10 ( lmto) knock it off the 20. Promotion yrs 1-5 15 yr Season ticket includes 5 yr bonus Yr 6 16 yr season ticket Yr 7 17 yr season ticket Yr 8. 18 yr season ticket Yr 9 19 yr season ticket Yr 10 20yr season ticket Why they didn’t call it a minimum 15 yr ticket For the price of 10yrs is confusing. Be interesting how many takers there were.
It's the maths question from Hell. "How many times can you renew your Wednesday season ticket before you run out of steam?"