Ahahaha prop them up you need to re visit the earning potential Of the royal family and where it comes from. Tha couldn’t prop a clothesline. Nowt wrong with the royals , God save the Queen
They don't choose it no, but they can choose to relinquish it all and live a quiet life out of the public eye if they so wish. On the flipside, my children won't be able to 'choose' to have millions of pounds of personal wealth behind them and the very best education, healthcare and assets available thanks to taxpayers. Therein lies the difference.
But that’s not the difference is it , the royals work for the country bringing mass wealth and business our way and have a very large portfolio of business interests , out of this the Queen donates a large piece of the action back into the coffers. Yes they might have been born into it but those that do will earn what their worth, your kids might not have this option or opportunity but they may just stay on the social all their life contributing sweet FA to the country, also on the other hand they could also turn out to be the finest free hand burger flippers this side of the Pennines
Yes, the difference is they are already born into privilege so shouldn't need subsidising. I'm yet to be swayed by the argument that they bring business and wealth into the country on any greater scale than they would if there was no State-supported Royal family. The Royal residences would arguably contribute far more to the national purse if they were open to the public for a fee, ie Versailles in France. Not sure what point you're trying to make with regards to my children.
They work for the country? Aye, it must be back breaking labour being flown all around the world by private jet, visiting all the various countries in luxury...
Gawd bless 'er for donating a large slice of our money back to us. Its just like privatisation, a con. where is your evidence for the assertion that they bring "mass wealth and business our way"?
You were trying to make that point I was just giving a different outlook , you’ll never be convinced because your bitter and jealous that they’ve got it and you haven’t, the Queen and her family work hard and bring in billions and pay millions in tax , as does her property
Could you do it , you wouldn’t have the first clue you just think it’s all roses and lavender sat on her throne all day doin nowt, thick as mince lad
Look it up numb nuts it’s not hard , it’s not your money, socialism only works till you run out of someone else’s money
I'm not interested in the royal family one way or the other. If we didn't have a monarch, we'd just have another elected head of state, who would be equally hated. I could see Farage & Boris vying for president... The amount of land owned by the crown & whether that could be better used is a discussion I can't be arsed with today.
Hahahaha nice one... 'bitter and jealous'? What a facile argument. I'm quite happy without the Royals' billions thank you and would put gladly take it from them to put it ALL back into the State if they sent it my way. Sadly those who do think excessive wealth is the be all and end all and hoard it at any cost do so at the expense of essential services that contribute to the well being of the many.
The queen, Theresa may or corbyn as head of state, would you rather be hit over the head by a becks, corona or Holstein pils bottle? **** me