The young lad ( Jayden) moved from Nottingham to London with his Mum 6 months ago for a "new start." Police have now confirmed , that he had absolutely no connection with drug dealing or crime and in their view, it appears that he been murdered in cold blood. Admittedly, he was riding the scooter/ moped when he shouldn't have been and looks to have lost control ( yet to be confirmed) and has been killed , because he had the temerity to collide with the killers vehicle. Three assailants involved who all had a knife and callously plunged them into the lad who thankfully was unconscious in the road. Let's hope they catch the perpetrators soon and get them banged up.
Maybe he went to a Youth Club , they still have them in London , at 13/14 yrs I used to live at the Boys Club ( now the Lamproom) kept me out of trouble
Not what I’ve read. He was targeted by the car coming in the opposite direction. It doesn’t sound like an accident that escalated. The 14yr old lad was riding a moped, without plates (in London). Strange that, if you’d only moved to the area 6 month previous. The police haven’t confirmed he had no connection with drugs or gangs, that was his family. But then they’re hardly going to say he was a drug runner. Sure, its wrong that a 14 year old child should be mixing in these circles. But that is what’s going on, in that cesspit of a capital.
14 year old boy stabbed to death. Let's focus on the real issue here, incorrect terminology relating to the description of a motorised vehicle. Good work.
Agree 100% Given all posters on here, including myself, haven't a clue as to the details of this lad's background, those suggesting he was a 'low-life' and those suggesting he was an innocent victim are both guessing. Various snippets of info.... e.g. he had his own youth worker who was trying to get him to stay off the streets and go back to school, the fact that after relocating within 6 months he is riding round as a 14 year old unlicensed on an untaxed, uninsured motor vehicle, coming from a single parent family, in London so where did he get the money? These all suggest on the face of it, he was not the innocent victim some suggest. On the other hand .... No-one knows the peer pressure or threats he may have endured as a 14 year old ending up in London, initially friendless and drawn or forced into whatever culture prevails on the streets where he lived. The only thing we know is that a 14 year old, for unknown (to us) reasons was brutally murdered on the streets of our capital city. To attempt to categorise someone at 14 years of age, ignores the fact that as they grow and mature, their life experiences, environment and subsequent choice could result in them becoming career criminals or productive members of society. Tragically, in this instance we will never know as this young lad's future was savagely taken away from him.
Why? The full story needs to come out. Normal people don’t deliberately knock folk off bikes and then stop and stab them.
This is indeed a tragedy. What is more tragic is that unfortunately the questions which need to be answered will not even be asked. So this continues and the frequency of these events increases. Still the questions won't be asked.