In my opinion it does happen across all classes but the reason it happens more with the poor or lower classes is simply because the kids with poor and sometimes frankly **** parents (and obviously those in care) have **** all in the way of parental guidance. 'im going out, I'll be back at 1am' says the 13 year old girl. 'see ya' says the **** parent. When the kids have no guidance and see their friends having fun with older guys who are offering them more attention than their own families are then you get a spiralling problem.
It's my view that things like this are the natural product of neoliberalism and a society that views it's working class as the enemy within. Like Grenfell Tower Rotherham is a sad indictment of a society that demonises the poor.
And the biggest betrayal imho was by Labour between 1997 and 2010, signed up to that totally. Pillocked voters eyes out. At least if you vote Tory you know they're going to **** you.