I’m sure as the season kicks off we’ll hear more from the CEO and the plans he is working on for the off field improvements in the pipeline at Oakwell. I’d expect there to be fans forums like we’ve had in the past open to everyone where he’ll answer questions etc. The FAB is supposed to be on top of the already established fan engagement channels. He was on the last FAB meeting for instance and the minutes for that should be out soon and some of those answers to questions come from him. He does write programme notes in every programme BTW. I guess that is often overlooked by fans but I usually have a read. There’s often interesting snippets in there. I guess the other point is, we’ve got a CEO and DOF these days. I think most people are more interested in the on the field aspects of news from Barnsley FC. It’s fair to say in the close season we’ve have regular updates from Mladen either by way of club videos or his regular column in the Chronicle. I think given this role split it’s only natural we’d hear a little bit less from a CEO?
Sadly think they have taken too long setting this up and already created the same issues for this season by being so slow. The horrific kit and ticket prices as an example.
Kit is a matter of taste. (I got criticised on here by some including a worker at the club in a big way over protesting the wearing the 3rd kit over the OFFICIAL away kit a few years back. Even some who said we hadn't got an official away kit. A photo solved that problem) Although I'm surprised they released it b4 the front of shirt sponsor. Poor show imo. I've had my view/say on season ticket prices (at one of the first fab meetings). I would have included everyone in early bird. The idea of rewarding those existing ones. IMO. it didn't reward me it affected new ones, whether they were lapsed ones or starting out. I have never had an issue in that respect. Let's hope the Advisory Board have influence going forward. Lots of great ideas are instigated by fans. But as in any business it's the make up of those above if they want to take em up. My employer encouraged everyone to say how we'd make improvements. I called it talking to the wall. Cos they hadn't thought of it. And totally ignored. Or in fact implementing one months later, as suggested by someone further up the ladder who stolen it and got the praise as in great initiative. Imho Cnuts. I told the CEO. I could raise an outfit from the shop floor to run the business better. But the shareholder came first and the arse licking (most not all) middle management up to directors of operations. chose the latter (one of the main reasons they are in the 5h1t. No pun intended) And the public suffer having to right the wrongs with increased bills.
I've read it a few times now and I have to agree with @Jack Tatty, there is no question. You state that your employer's CEO is a figurehead and then say that ours is anonymous and you've almost forgotten we've got one. And then accuse a previous CEO of being a liar. I completely understand why he felt you were having a pop at the club/the CEO.
Well at least we know what he looks like now but what a load of corporate speak, I’m more convinced none of em understand our fanbase.
I think our fan base are a varied and diverse bunch and trying to understand individuals is the daftest thing a CEO can do. Set a vision and follow it. We’ve got the best sponsorships we’ve ever had apparently, we’re working towards improving the club on the field and off it. I get that we need to see it to believe it, but he hasn’t said anything controversial and I’m not sure which part of his message you aren’t on board with?