If you ever wanted confirmation that the MAGA lot are complete fruitcakes, this is it. There is absolutely no hope and confirmation that you cannot educate pork.
But this is the worrying thing. If Trump came out tomorrow and said Putin was the antichrist and the biggest threat to the US, that woman would immediately change her view. It happens the world over and to lesser degrees, but it's deeply worrying how little critical thinking there is, and that's before you get to deliberate misinformation, AI and deepfakery.
I've got sky news on in the background, sound off after 5 minutes of Sky showing, yet again, the daily White house press conference. But on the breaking news, and the initial 5 minutes of the plastic idiot spokesperson, the tone is really worrying, and the hard of thinking will swallow it. "US is safe, proud and free again.". "Diversity and Inclusion harmed the economy. "Trump restored patriotism and pride." Utter horse ****, but the brass neck for them all to stand there and blurt out this hollow propaganda should worry the western world. It's more akin to North Korea than anything you'd expect of a western country. In addition... Put the volume back on, and they are literally reading out an advert for Musks X after giving a first question to a new media person... Who works for X. Beyond words.
I think there’s already been a republican senator who’s suggested the USA needs to change the “ term presidency”! After all, wasn’t Trump chosen by God himself?
Around 400 million guns in America and 6 to 7 CHILDREN die per day in that god forsaken country yet nobody has used one for good yet and blown the second coming of Hitlers head off. Even his faked assassination attempt planned by himself to gain votes didn't manage to kill the lovely person
I'm with your sentiments, but if we stoop to their level and peddle invented "truths" we are no better.
He will try and be in charge for life. CNN was on about it last night. Where they are allowed to be Vice President to a new president and then that person stands down the VP becomes the president and can have a third run.
I do get that but I am convinced that it was fake. Shot in the ear but zero marks less than 2 weeks later? Aye alright then. It was a set up by a convict3d fraudster to gain votes in ,y opinion.
@KingBenny92 I'm not going to let you forget that you're responsible for everything he does. I hope your conscience can handle all the blood on your hands.