I suspect basically it will be part of the land that Russian forces now occupy. No way that they are going to leave other than through force. Ukraine and the west are doing as much as they can without provoking a huge response from Russia. It may be so wrong to be forced to accept the loss of the land, I just cannot see an end to the war without it.. can you? If so, love to hear why so.
I'm not denying that negotiation and compromise might be the best way out, but it's the way he goes about it. I'm a lawyer. I sometimes represent clients in civil proceedings where they haven't got a cat in hell's chance of winning and my job is basically to find the least worst outcome for them. What I don't do is start telling everyone who will listen just how bad my client's position is and how strong the other side is. That's essentially what Trump is doing. If someone watched the past month or so of news on the conflict without any historic context they'd assume that America is aligned with Russia and would laugh if you told them that Russia has been their global opposition for the past 70 years. 70 years in which both sides have at times been much bolder than America would be in supporting Ukraine now and we haven't had nuclear war.
6O? I've never seen anything so ridiculously stupid put into print in my life. Apart from previous posts of yours. Where's the donepezil ?
That's ultimately what I am saying. It would take a full scale NATO intervention to defeat Russia and it's likely allies Iran and Nother Korea. That conflict would be too much of a risk surely because of the nukes in play. That's the difference to any other conflict here. If nuclear weapons weren't available, NATO would have already been involved and all the western Allies would be batting heads over how to split up And divide Russian territory and natural resources.
1 doesn't work because he will just keep coming for more and more. First he took crimea by force and it was allowed as a compromise. Now he's come for more and you suggest it's allowed as a compromise. I'm 3 years hell come back with his bombs and what should Ukraine do? Allow it as a compromise to save lives? Gve it a decade and there'll be no Ukraine left. 2. Fighting fire with fire doesn't mean he will nuke anyone. It puts pressure on him to stop and accept defeat. He isn't stupid enough to send nukes out knowing that it means the end of life in Russia when the entirety of NATO destroys the place. The only thing empowering Putin is the rapist who is facilitating his destruction of Ukraine and pushing the agenda that he's in the right. In fact no that's not the only thing, the other thing driving him to continue is people posting on the internet that Ukraine should give over it's country to an invading nazi
I said 60, not "6O" (I know you do love a bit of pointless pedantry). The logic is as follows: if you're president of a major power you're making massive decisions with long term effects. The more of those effects you are likely to be around to witness, the more careful you are likely to be in the choices you make. Plus you also avoid the cognitive decline issues evident with Biden and Trump.
The question for me is why Trump soft soaps the aggressor and attacks the victim today. What concessions is he asking from Russia? I don’t think todays horror show is the opening gambit of a war, it was just another phase of negotiation, in which Trump impatiently tried to get things done quickly and ended up losing his rag. I don’t think Trump has done himself any favours domestically today. He has let his guard down big time and showed exactly what he is. A bully.
As soon as a nuclear strike occurs there’ll be countless more going off all over the world, ending life as we know it in a matter of minutes. It’s just not going to happen. There are no winners in a nuclear war. No money to be made, no power or control to hold. We are living in unprecedented times, where the leader of the free world is a far right fascist. Watching him and that pillock Vance bully the Ukrainian president was embarrassing. This, fresh from sharing that vile video of ‘Trump Gaza’. Yet our own government is having to offer him a state visit. Crazy stuff. Cutting aid in half to fund conflict. Still not going after the richest, rather, continuing to make the poorest pay. The world is wânk. It’ll reach a point soon enough where something truly crackers will happen and we’ll all shrug our shoulders. Ah well. Friday night and I’ve a lovely curry to eat.
You are missing the point really though in how many of those 70 years have US weapons and funding been used to attack Russian troops and now into Russian infrastructure? I've said especially that public argument today at the White House was simply ludicrous. Trump has always been an uncensored motor mouth. No doubting that or that it's Russia who are at fault for this whole thing. But now the conflict has happened, they are too powerful to appease somewhat in this, purely because of the nukes. So any give up from Ukraine in a peace deal must come with a security guarantee that if Russia try to gain an extra inch, western powers will become directly involved
Alastair Campbell absolutely nailed it on C4 News about half an hour ago. Find it if you can. Didn't hold back on those two cuπts Trump & Vance. In fact cuπt was about the only appropriate word he DIDN'T use.....
Really all you’re doing is imagining the worst case scenario and asking me to prove you wrong. Just because you think we’re on the precipice of world war 3 and nuclear, it doesn’t make it a fact. Does Russia have the strength to keep attacking Ukraine indefinitely? This war was meant to be over within days. Will Europe continue to back Ukraine? Lots of possibilities before people start pushing buttons.
2 years ago he spoke to the PM and said to our parliament that words were not enough, we had to do more. Last year he said we we dragging our heels over letting him use an our long range missiles to strike inside Russian territory. More than one occasion he has.