I think you might just have hit on something here Mr Kamikaze. “A non entity bloke from Barnsley….’ Well if world leaders can’t sort this out then perhaps it’s up to us non entities. I suggest we have a night round tarn with Zelensky, Putin and Trump. You know show them what life’s all about. I reckon Zelensky would be a reight laugh and fit in. Proper tarn lad. Putin would be a bit quiet and sullen but I reckon he’d loosen up after a few ales. Might even get a get a smile. By the end of the night he’d be up for a vodka drinking contest. As for Trump I bet he wouldn’t able to hold his ale, start gobbing off at the bar staff and someone would deck him before the night’s out. I’ll email Zelensky if you get in contact with Putin or Trump. Crack on. It’s worth a go as nowt else seems to be working.
Both the US Defence and Deputy Defence Secretary have refused to state that Russia invaded Ukraine. 3 mins in. Deputy just can't say the words...but he does "have confidence it will work out favourable to America". Not Ukraine or Europe, but America..
Yes I've seen most including tories backing starmer but I wonder what % of the public would be supporting starmer if he decides to send troops in the coming weeks to Ukraine. I'd say a very low one.
EU chief unveils €800bn plan to ‘rearm’ Europe Source: The Guardian https://search.app/KpWC I welcome it, it's ironic though that VdL was the defence minister that butchered the German military forces to the bone under Merkel.
You would have to get a peace deal 1st with Russia and Ukraine and stop the invasion, which I imagine would involve giving up land.
Faced with a psychopath on both sides of the table, he has little choice, although he's not actually been invited to the table.
How many times do you need to be told, he hasn't pledged to send troops to Ukraine to be a part of a war. He has stated that UK troops could be a part of a peace keeping force after a deal has been made.
You also tend to see initial boosts to ratings when military has been deployed by a PM. The Falklands crisis probably saved Thatcher. Blair had a boost with the Balkans conflict after a rocky start. DePfeffel repeatedly visited Zelenskyy to try and deflect from his multiple scandals, knowing it was pretty much the main thing people approved of.
About the protests against the local representatives, Mike Johnson smilingly blames ‘paid protestors’, which is pretty disgusting when many of them actually voted them in.
I hope this is true.....not an independent source though....claims Ukraine can produce all their needs in artillery shells later this year. https://english.nv.ua/nation/ukrain...production-by-2025-says-shmyhal-50494989.html