Religion causes a lot more harm than you're suggesting here. It's not limited to actual violence, but the views regarding homosexuality, abortion, contraception etc.
I dont think its religion per se myself. I think people jump onto religion and use it to excuse their nastiness in my opinion. Views regarding any topic - homosexuality, abortion, contraception and anything else can be contained within the religion without said topics spilling into violence and murder. We do it on here. I have firm views on stuff but I don't use my views to justify nasty stuff. Its evil people hijacking religion that causes discord not the religion itself. In my opinion of course. Edit: I've said in my opinion twice now... Edit 2: Lets return this to a Trump thread or abandon it
I don't think England is very religious like I said we mostly follow a religion invented 500 years ago because our king wanted more wife's. Homosexuality is widely accepted, so is abortion, contraception is widely avaliable even to people of under 18s. We have a massive drug problem imo, people in town centers drinking and taking drugs every week if this was in the middle east doing such things they'd either be getting many lashes or never be seen again.
It was mainly formed as a new device for holding lands and monies I believe though the Kind did want a divorce too. You're right it will be a very small number I agree. You said the bible doesn't tell people to commit acts of violence. I was juat pointing out that statement is incorrect.
Problem is it's literally written in religious scripts to be homophobic sexist etc so it really is the religion per se isn't it?
I reckon more people are homophobic because of religion than are religious because of their homophobia.
The biggest victims of most if not all religions to be fair. Christianity still treats homosexuals as sinners and deny them rights
Back to the Orange Deranged Imberseal must be after a war he's started bombing the F*** out of Yemen now.
That isn't what he said. He said there are more people that are homophobic because they are religious than there are people who are homophobic so became religious.
No, and I never implied that. But even the homophobes who don't attend church will be homophobic largely due to the historic cultural opinion of homosexuality, which was due to the church.
That's a weird question to random put at someone they think something and then denying it's what you meant. You're better than debating like that mate.