Bloody hell. I like criticising the Govt as much as the next man but it’s a bit rich to crap in your own house and them blame the Council for the smell. The primary reason the houses in Donny have flooded is because those residents have chosen to live lives that have led to them flooding. And the residents of Barnsley...and Manchester ... and London and Paris and New York etc... Get used to it it isn’t going to get any better. And the solution, spend billions on ‘flood defences’ around towns and cities. Good luck with that policy long term.
I’m not 100% sure what you are saying here, I’m quite sure people buying houses and actually wanting to live somewhere can’t be blamed for flooding (whilst maybe getting your point that if we had no houses at all there would be non to flood?)
They were told that that the lady flooding was a once in a lifetime event.... what they didn’t say was that it was the lifetime of a moth...
What has happened in Bentley is not a new problem, Hunt Lane has flooded many times over the decades, I've seen photos locally from 1932 showing it submerged, so recent theory to what courses it now like not dredging or new house building or lack of funding from central government aren't true, or god forbid the old chestnut, globel warming either, the sad fact is the Don will burst and these areas close to it will suffer, I've been lucky this time as the water ran the other way or I could have been one of those flooded, sadly I know some who weren't so luck and have lost so much
Overpopulation. That's what it's all about. Too many people causing global warming. Followed by too many people living in our scepter'd isle, needing houses to be built for them, overbalancing the equilibrium, causing once undisturbed land to be turned to dwelling areas. Dwelling areas that wreck what used to aid drainage or soakage. Thus we have home wrecking flooded plains, due to our own self created environmental disaster
In the sixties we built upwards for a reason. Building houses on flood plains is a massive problem. Concrete jungles aren't the answer but maybe when designing new areas work with the geography. Build houses on stilts or build settlements like Venice.
Looking at the scale of the flooding it’s hard to see what they can do except wait for nature to take its course, normally they would be pumping but with that lot where the hell would you pump it to? Must be an absolute nightmare for the folks involved not knowing when they can even start sorting their houses and businesses.
What they did in Darton was not only dredging the river they cut a lot of trees which slowed the flow because of debris, probably saved it this time.
Well the flood defences were strengthened in Darton and Sheffield after they were flooded in 2007- but not in Donny - they 'might' do it this time in Donny I suppose... But we're downstream of Sheffield and the water has to go somewhere. Trees is the answer, we need trees on higher land to slow down / stop the rain feeding the rivers, but who's interested in that
I think you're conflating a small piece of evidence with 'many times' - you're just wrong. Hunt Lane flooded in 1932 (as did Toll Bar) but not again till 2007, and again in 2019, now if you were looking for a pattern, I'd suggest it'll happen again before I'm dead, and a few more times before my kids pop off.
, Just wrong???? I'd suggest you read some of the recollections on the doncaster memories pages from people who have been there all their lives and yoully see it is more frequent than you'd think, major floods in 1927 and 1947 are recalled as well as many less headline making through the 60's and 70's
My point was the changes in the Climate have been caused by our own actions. We’re choosing to do anything significant about it.
Oddly I lived in Donny through the 60’s and 70’s, my ex mother in law lived in the Hunt Lane area most of her life. the street I lived in from 64 to 84 never showed a sign of being a flood risk but some of my ex neighbours have been devastated twice now in 12 years. BTW, it’s miles from the Don and if it was built on a flood plain it’s news to the residents who lived there since it was built in the 50’s. My daughter lives in Toll Bar in a house that flooded in 2007 (purposely?) and that hadn’t flooded since 32. I don’t need to read websites, I fooking lived here for 50 odd years.
thats true but you said the flooding was caused by "those residents choosing to live there". it implied to me that it was specifically there own fault. Whilst accepting its all our faults it just seemed strange to blame individuals. if thats not what you meant i apologise!
Miles from the Don? The Don's less than 500yards from Hunt Lane As for living there 50 yes, my wife's family have lived in the area for 80+ so don't think for one minute I'm talking from news reports, I was sat on flood alert myself all Thursday night ready to evacuate so as you put it..... Fook off
No need to apologise Pompey. What I actually said was “those residents have chosen to live lives that have led to the flooding.” And then went on to describe us all being guilty of the same idiocy. And worse, choosing not to do anything about it. I myself got flooded out in July. Without getting biblical, we’re now reaping what we’ve sown.
I spent 3-4 years supporting the IT systems for EA, who had (at the time) the biggest (most nodes) file cluster that Microsoft had ever seen...