On the whole violent crime is down. And that is without 'domestic abuse' not being recorded as a crime in the good old days. Knife crime may have gone through the roof, but it is still at a comparatively low level compared to other forms of crime.
I'm sure you genuinely do consider that people were more respectful of their elders than they are today, because you're viewing it from your internal viewpoint firstly as a youngster and your behaviour, and then as someone older and other people's behaviour. Everyone is incredibly biased in favour of themselves, and you will overestimate how respectful you were and underestimate how respectful people are to you. No doubt when you were younger the elder people complained of a lack of respect and how things were different in their day. It will always be the same. Finally as I've said before I hate the phrase "respect your elders". No one is more deserving of respect due to age. Everyone should automatically respect everybody else regardless of age etc. until such time as they demonstrate that they are undeserving of respect
And do you think there would have been absolutely no more difficulties or obstacles if you were black?