And I couldn't disagree more. Entertaining football does, indeed, ratchet up the crowd level.....and everyone stands up! I too remember some dire games back in the 70s and 80s, salvaged only by being stood with your mates on the terraces having a good sing-song. Witness the number of famous, noisy stadiums that have been silenced by all-seating and fragmentation of support that brings.
When anyone gets challenged. They come out with "Stand up if you love the reds" some folk join in tentatively incase Moron thinks they they don't. Then get a tirade of abuse. I must hate the reds after 52 years of watching home and away. Show consideration for those behind for fcks sake. 2 at Bradford stood up 3 rows from front several kids behind with nowhere else to sit.
Not disagreeing with any of that but the law states all seater stadiums and with that comes no special arrangements for those that want/ need to do just that ,sit. In the days your harking back to I remember them well and also stood but if I’d had an accident and was unable to stand there was somewhere I could go and still watch the match . No one is trying to spoil the atmosphere or just being awkward it’s the laws the law and we have no specific areas I’m sure nobody wants the return of safe standing more than the people who like to sit . Call for safe standing by any means I’ll support you to the hilt but have a bit of respect for oldies and bairns
Oh I'd never knowingly block anyone's view! On the rare occasion I get to oakwell, I usually check behind me before standing up! Given the speed my knackered knees allow me to stand up these days, the folk behind me are usually up first!!
It's how people are challenged as well though. Just shouting 'sit darn!' at folk (which most do) isn't particularly good manners is it?
Tbh it’s not much point looking behind before you stand unless your in front row. Many’s the time I’ve been called upon to sit as the person behind me can’t see but as I’ve sat to make a point that the people in front of me are stood and the people in front of them are stood and so on and so on . Many times I’ve seen folk nearly get to blows because of it and it’s not really thier fault they just get blame cos their in front of em. I sit in Ponty but would gladly give it up if safe standing were allowed for a decent seat somewhere where standing is barred diligently.
Which came first though? I wouldn’t dream of spoiling someone else’s enjoyment . It’s not as if they were being denied a view if the didn’t stand up but they deny others. As I said I’ll fight for safe standing for those that want to but respect me/ others
One of the problems is that standing is a bit like the domino effect. Someone stands and therefore those behind follow suit so they can see. Then the arguments happen further back in the chain as the frustration from standing so you can see then being vilified is what creates the tension. I'm ok when people stand when something exciting happens for a few seconds but standing throughout can be a problem for others.
Even that can be a pain if the bloke in front of you is a serial jumper-upper (regardless of what others in front of him are doing) so that those behind constantly miss what's happening. Bloke near us jumps up every time the ref's decision doesn't go our way, every time there's a goal-mouth tussle, and every time he sees a tackle he doesn't like. Oddly enough, he doesn't get up when we're on the front foot and nearly scoring. Just when he's pee'd off at something.
We'll have to agree to disagree. Just to be clear though, I'd happily have safe standing areas behind the goal if that's what folk want (I'm in East Upper so it wouldn't bother me), but I don't think that alone would add much to the atmosphere of a drab game, apart from giving us a few extra gallows humour songs.
What law states all-seater stadia? If burton and many many others don't have all-seater then which law are they all breaking? If it's seating then i prefer to sit by the way and not have my view blocked by others standing up.
The laws are all seater stadia , I’m sure someone could dig the relevant threads out of the internet to confirm this . Burton Albion etc are temporary exceptions rather than the rule and I think there’s a time limit but not sure.
It's actually not. I thought so too. 'Persistent Standing' is against Football League rules and can get you ejected from the ground, but it's not illegal. The law simply states that the stadium must provide seats, not that they must be used. Source:
Probably more to cheer in the late 70s though. I have stood at Oakwell and at times it was like a morgue.