No compromising with fans who stand and spoil your view. Get told to **** off and get behind em. Regardless of the £30 spent for a RESERVED seat. Thing is I was getting behind em anyway. Just wanted to see the game from my seat without getting backache. I prefer unreserved seating to be honest, so I can get away from inconsiderate people who don’t have any respect for people taking kids to games, or for older people who can’t jump up and down.
Atmosphere was miles better with standing anyone who doesn’t think so is not living in the real world. Yes sometimes it would be quiet but we would never get an atmosphere siting like say the Stoke Pink Panther cup tie. We used to have a good atmosphere 50 percent of the time and an ok / bad one the rest. Now 95 percent of the time it’s poor. The last good one for a League match would probably be the Boxing Day 3-3 against Stoke nearly 10 years ago.
People who stand and refuse to sit down when asked and be considerate to their fellow fans are not welcome at oakwell as far as Im concerned. Without them our police bill would be a fraction of what it is now, the rest of us would have much more freedom and be treated better by police and would all enjoy the game more. Anyone who has no consideration for those behind them is simply a selfish bellend who I have absolutely no affinity with whatsoever
Think I live in the real world. Some of the time anyway. Best atmosphere I've known at oakwell were the 19 Premier League games in an all seater stadium.
Cause and correlation and all that lot. Was it solely that you were all stood up? Has sitting g down somehow stopped you being able to sing? Or could it be that a lot of the pissed up hooligans from the 70s who were singing have stopped going to matches after their hooligan behaviour was largely stamped out? We all know that the pissed up fans will sing and shout all match because the alcohol is influencing their behaviour. I put it to you that if you took the same pissed up thousand from the 70s, gave them the same alcohol and tied them to a seat in the Ponty then they would be just as loud singing as they were stood up. I think people are remembering the atmosphere but doing so selectively and remembering the singing and standing but ignoring who and why
Not a patch on the Clarke promotion season. On the ponte in the Prem most people stood. When was the last run of the mill Championship or L1 game where a good atmosphere was generated.
No not at all I’m not sure my dad would have had running with the Oakwell ultras ( of which there were none). There was more atmosphere because you could actually congregate with friends / people who wanted to sing.
Thought the atmosphere was much better in the Premier League season and I didn't stand up in The Ponty, other than the usual up and down when corners take place. And the Liverpool game
So logically then it isn't standing that creates the atmosphere but is the unreserved status? Surely that means that the Ponty end should have had just as good an atmosphere prior to the Premier season but it didn't, it was no better before then it was during or after
We never touched the atmosphere at the night matches under Clarke which were summat else. I had to stand the whole season in the ponte (last time in there for me) Not usually through choice though.
It’s a combination of the two. People don’t sing sitting down. It’s not really a natural thing to do. The atmosphere could improve a bit if they did unreserved seating for season tickets in set stands.
We're not going to agree. Saw both seasons, thought the Premier League was much louder with everyone singing rather than just pockets of people.
For a game like Walsall in the play off when we were on the crest if a wave people could have been, sitting, standing or lying on sofas and it would be rocking. By the way, I was in the ponty that day and people were NOT standing all match. For a run of the mill game I think there's more chance of a good atmosphere if people can stand on a terrace or it's unreserved seating so the ones who do a lot of singing can congregate together. We have neither of those options unfortunately at the moment. It remains totally discourteous to stand for long periods in the current set up. Unfortunately there's a fair few who couldn't give a toss about other peoples' enjoyment of the game. To my mind the Ponty should be unreserved seating.
I can’t remember the east stand as it was in the 70s singing along with the Ponty tbh. There were loud patches of come on you reds but the singing was left mainly to Ponty is what I remember. Although in the eighties almost all the ground were one in excitement when king Ronnie got the ball
The noisiest area of a ground will always be behind the goals . The away support will be always consist of the more vociferous fans . The rest of us are f*cked . Simples .
Ronnie was a GOD. Sadly we will never see his like again. Allan Clarke was the only reason we got him. Some of our own have been immense, Banger Banks for one. We have had some great footballers in the last 40 years. We haven't kept them. We can't. We are still Barnsley Football Club, the team my great grandad saw raise the cup in Sheffield in 1912 & the story isn't finished yet.
If a player came along like Ronnie now we wouldn’t be able to hold onto him more than a season or season and half at most.