That answers my question then, wasnt even aware they had a netflix deal! I thought it was all out in the open after their Oprah sit down. Shows how much I take notice
I studiously ignore the Royal family at every turn, including not taking the recent public holiday. I see no reason to change that as they play out the Eton equivalent of The Kardashians.
I am sure because they hate the royal family so much they will be paying back the £31 million cost of their royal wedding out of their Netflix fee.
[Qis UOTE="Red CB, post: 3040175, member: 121001"]Well Ian when Scotland get their independence you will no longer as a country have anything to do with the Royals , its a win win for you .[/QUOTE] Not sure thats strictly true I thought the SNP were keeping the King as head of state for Scotland if they ever get enough votes for a split
wouldn't believe a word any of them said, especially those two, what was the last 'falsehood ' count from the Oprah interview, high twenties?
Not sure thats strictly true I thought the SNP were keeping the King as head of state for Scotland if they ever get enough votes for a split[/QUOTE] True Stairfoot. Apparently they want to keep the king as a head of state just like Australia. But I just think it’s to pacify those independence voters who are royalists. A strange combination I know but there are those out there.
We can or we can't, we will or we wont, its your choice, Royalists will hate it, normal bod's like me just could'nt give a foook, were all individuals with an opinion or view. Not for me, i'll be watching football, or is it soccer.
They may hate the royal family but like most of the upper-class they couldn't care less about the tax payers funding it!
One thing is for sure it will be headline news once it’s been broadcast. Then the news channels might let you know of the NHS waiting lists or the struggling people using foodbanks or soaring electric prices.
But what is it that would lead to you call her a ‘nasty piece of work’? That’s a really harsh thing to say about someone. She must have said or done something pretty bad, for you to say that. Her ‘ginger puppet’ also saw his mum literally driven to her death, by the institution she was trying to escape.
Anyone actually bothered about either of them, especially those who refer to Meghan as a "nasty piece of work", are certified throbbers. So many idiots in this country let the press do their thinking for them.
Is it possible to think the Royal Family as a whole are privileged posh ******* and also think Meghan Markle is a privileged posh ******? Seems in todays society there is no blurred lines, only black and white.