She had escaped, she was divorced. It was also her decision not to wear a seatbelt You're not disagreeing with universal suffrage I hope!?
what like all those female daily Heil readers To be fair universal suffrage is a pretty rubbish system - all sorts of people get to vote who have no idea about the trade offs involved in running a country Only thing that saves it is all the alternatives are far worse
Because she’s slagged off our monarchy soon as she joined. She’s groomed old Harry into her web . She tells lies constantly regarding people who don’t fall at her feet . She had a history of it
The Daily Express have published 9 negative stories about Harry and Meghan in the last 12 hours alone. I don’t understand the obsession, or why so many people get riled up about them.
Are the people that post stuff like “they went to America for privacy and then did this!” and think it’s some sort of gotcha biased, stupid or both? Surely you can see that there’s a massive difference in privacy between not being able to go anywhere without the press following you and writing about your every move, to inviting a TV crew into your lives to film what you want them to film. Or going on a TV a show to talk of your own volition. Or writing a book. It’s just ridiculous to me that people think them “wanting privacy” means they never want to be seen.