The new directors haven’t done anything .......

Discussion in 'Bulletin Board' started by Young Nudger, Jul 31, 2018.

  1. Young Nudger

    Young Nudger Well-Known Member

    Jul 18, 2005
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    Hey up !!!
    It’s not illegal to agree with mi tha knows.
    Yes - I agree with everything you say here.
    I can now be your bestist mate.
    Me and thee together against all the rest of um !!!

    In the mean time ....
    We needed 3 or 4 more first teamers.
    I was expecting 3 or 4 young talented top class players from the continent.
    Then again - we don’t know how good the young uns are at the club.
    Example - we need cover for defensive midfield- but could Bird be that cover ???
    If Dougall gets injured at the beginning of the season could Bird do a job to carry us through until January Transfer Window ???
    In my view that’s a big risk that could cost us dear.
    Same thing applies to other key positions in the team.

    As for GeeGee ........... not very talkative.
    Jury still out.

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