i COULD understand the crynes selling their 50% as that makes no difference so long as bmbc hang onto theirs then any ground sale is cancelled out
So if the council retains its 50%, we have nothing to fear if Conway and Chien get the 50% from the Crynes? They still can't do the dirty and move us to J36, anymore than the Crynes could without the council agreeing. So is this simply that the Cryne's have a better offer? If so, who and what are their motives? Perhaps doesn't sit easily with Patrick's wish to secure the club's future. All just speculation mind. Just thinking out loud to get a handle on all this.
the crynes are in buisness, bmbc as an entity is not so puts the community 1st, not that i'm saying the crynes wouldnt, but the council has a duty to us the council tax payers/supporters/electorate
BMBC might decide that the greater good for Barnsley as a whole, which includes a hell of a lot of people with no interest in football and plenty who have but no interest in Barnsley FC, is to cash in on an asset which could add millions and millions to their depleting local budget. The fact that they will put the ‘community first’ as you put it does not necessarily mean they will protect Barnsley Football Club and it’s fans.
I blame that bitch Carole Baskin for all this. We'll lose the ground & everything. She claims she only wants to emancipate Toby Tyke, but there are more sinister motives.
I think both sides are in the wrong. If the Cryne's have agreed to sell their share of the ground to Chien and Co do it. If Chien and Co owe the Cryne's £2.75 million pay it. There has to be more to it though. It isn't lack of funds because things were getting paid initially. It's a falling out.
My suspicion is the "investors" have been trying to get the ground on the cheap all along and the Council haven't played ball at the price the "investors" hoped. As a result, they didn't want to take up the Cryne option as their exit strategy was dependent on getting the full land and stadia. However, that doesn't explain the contradiction regarding reduced payments, and extended timelines for payment of the club (which should be completely independent of all else). That would be more typical of cash flow problems or intentional slowtiming to force a point of issue and fall out.
It may be two possibilities. The owners wanted all the stadium/land to leverage it for something else (even a tilt at the prem). OR...... possible the owners had planned a move all along, say junction 38 area and rename the club the West Yorkshire Wildcats (or whatever) to pull in folks from hinterland between us and Leeds. Can imagine the doggers round Bretton Park would be as mortified as us at that prospect
It was one of the interviews he gave before he passed away. When there was speculation someone was interested in the club seem to recall it lasted about an hour.
I thought it was a deflection tactic when there were suggestions being bandied around that James had more than a passing interest in player selection .
he lied. Although I guess you could argue it was a dad trying to protect his son during a period when fans were on the clubs back