I think those in British Columbia would agree climate change is very real. If they had the energy to stand up and speak at the minute I think they would do. They're all part of a giant slow cook human stew at the minute.
It seems like you may have a point after all https://www.theguardian.com/media/2...itesize-page-climate-change-benefits-backlash
Stuart Lock, the chief executive of Advantage Schools trust in Bedford, said the advice was “flat wrong, doesn’t align with the national curriculum or exam specs, and needs reconsidering”. “Climate change isn’t a ‘both sides’ argument,” he added. I'll say it again: This stinks of Matt Ridley. It's absolutely in line with the tripe he continually rolls out in his blog and newspaper articles. It's all about creating just enough doubt in climate change issues to allow him and his mates to continue to profit from fossil fuels.
Has anyone seen the Channel 4 news stuff on ExxonMobil this week? We've all known it's been going on, doesn't make it any less shocking. Like Ridley these dangerous charlatans have engulfed all parts of society, to the point scientists are being threatened with their lives. Everyone points the finger at Putin for such wrong doing, it's happening in the West daily.
Ask Canada about climate change where this week people have booked in hotels for the simple reason their homes don't have air conditioning.