What have they got to give away? There is **** all in the coffers? Ri$hy Sunak's suit & underpants. His & his wife's personal wealth will be way off the UK.
They don't have to give anything away. They have to *promise* to give stuff away after the election. Then claim that the situation has changed and ignore all the manifesto promises.
You underestimate this shower's total indifference to the plight of the country in their lust for power and control.
There’s not a chance of the Tories winning the next election. First off they’ve hit self destruct button over the last two years & secondly there’s no way a leader with Rishi Sunak’s skin colour will win seats in the ‘red wall’ & many working class areas where the make up is largely white working class.
Fella, I'm underestimating nothing. The country has been run into the ground. Our export markets are ******. We are the worst performing country in the G8. No one is voting for this shower.
It will be interesting to see if the Conservatives try and move back to the middle ground or become more batsh1.t right-wing. This culture war stuff isn't working for them.
A lot depends on who survives the election. Sunak is in a very safe seat, but the party would ditch in an instance if they lost. The members would probably want Mordaunt but it could end up being Chope vs Rees-Mogg as the only survivors...
Fella, you're preaching to the converted. Simply saying don't rule out a giveaway budget, we all know it's unaffordable but unlike Truss's brainfart the Tory media will back it. Therefore a late spring/early summer election.
This makes me sick. What sort of payout is Miriam Cates going to get for 5 years of doing absolutely nothing for her constituents?
This is an interesting read. https://www.theguardian.com/politic...nvested-nearly-2m-in-firms-linked-to-his-wife
I'll be as delighted as anyone to get these murderous, theiving scumbags out. The problem is that labour are ******* dreadful.
No tax cut is going to talk folks round. They saw Truss's budget. A few in the Tory Party made money out of it, shorting the pound. Most Tory voters lost out, badly. They are not stupid. They have accountants, The low turnout in the bye elections tells it all. They don't care who runs the country, they think about their pockets.
I doubt they will or even can tbh. There's never been a great call for PR from The Labour Party, and if they win a large majority and PR would produce fewer seats it probably takes away some of the incentive. The other thing is that with the AV system going to referendum, it would be almost certain that PR would also have to go to referendum, I'm not arguing against it.. but I don't think PR would win.
There is absolutely no reason that a party in power would need a referendum to implement PR or any other change to the voting system. After all, the Tories changed the voting in the mayoral elections from PR to FPTP precisely because they were doing badly in them. There is also nothing to stop a party with sufficient votes from switching back from PR in the future either - or even just repealing the laws requiring referendums to disband the Scottish or Welsh Parliaments - because no Parliament can bind another.
What's even sicker is the fact that she's being touted as a potential future leader of the Tory Party. She'll need to find a safer seat by next year! My guess is Swella will be their next leader after Rich Sunak and his even richer wife have rediscovered their green cards and swanned off to the USA.
Unfortunately you've got to consider that many Tory voters do so without even knowing who the candidates are or with little to no knowledge of political current affairs - they do it because its their "team" and they've always voted that way. Others are Hyacinth Buckets - they're working or lower middle class but want to think of themselves and be seen as wealthier and a higher class than they are - they think that by voting like their "betters" they're the same as them. At least I hope they're the main reasons, because the alternative is that there's a decent percentage of people who are selfish and/or racists, bigots, and who would rather see benefit claimants and asylum seekers targeted than the likes of Michelle Mone and serial tax avoiders. Anyway, that's too negative of me on a day when the Tories finally look like they're on the way out.